Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Al Qaradawi's app banned by Google

Qaradawi has been named a terrorist by four regional nations and banned from visiting others

Yusuf Al Qaradawi is a Doha-based Egyptian Islamic theologian and chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. Mohammed Dabbous/ Reuters

A mobile application with an introduction written by the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood has been banned by Google.

Known as Euro Fatwa App and initiated by the European Council for Fatwa and Research based in Dublin, it has been removed from the search giant’s online store.

In the app’s introduction, Yusuf Al Qaradawi, 93, who has been man banned from France and Britain for his extremist views, makes derogatory references to Jews while speaking about historic fatwas.

In the Gulf crisis that began in June 2017, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt called him a terrorist for his support of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which he is one of the most public figures, and for violence across the Middle East.

The four began their boycott of Qatar because of its support for terrorism and harbouring supporters of extremism, such as Al Qaradawi.

The Egyptian-born imam has defended violence against US troops in Iraq and regularly delivered vehement lectures against the West on Qatari television.

“I think that Islam will conquer Europe without resorting to the sword or fighting," Al Qaradawi said on Qatari TV in 2007.

"Europe is miserable with materialism, with the philosophy of promiscuity and with the immoral considerations that rule the world – considerations of self-interest and self-indulgence.

“It’s high time it woke up and found a way out from this, and it won’t find a lifesaver or a lifeboat other than Islam.”

Al Qaradawi had a weekly show on Al Jazeera called Sharia and Life, where he would espouse his views as a Sunni scholar and spiritual leader in the Brotherhood.

Qatar’s political elite calls him one of their own and says he is a Qatari citizen who holds Qatari nationality.

He is very close to the Qatari Emir, Sheikh Tamim.

The US has sanctioned the charity that he chaired, the Union of Good, as a foreign terrorist organisation.

France and Britain prevented his entry in 2012 because he advocated for suicide bomb attacks against Israelis. He also suggested that the Holocaust was "divine punishment" against Jews and called for Israel's destruction.

UAE Minister and ambassador to the US, Yousef Al Otaiba, has condemned him for promoting suicide bombings and the killings of American soldiers.