Tunisia synagogue attack was 'premeditated', says Interior Minister

Naval national guard member shot his colleague before heading towards Ghriba synagogue

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The attack on Djerba’s Ghriba synagogue this week was deliberate and premeditated, Tunisia's Minister of Interior said on Thursday.

Five people, including three security personnel, were killed in a shooting near Africa's oldest synagogue, which is a popular pilgrimage site.

The gunman, a naval national guard member, first shot his colleague and then left on a quad vehicle, headed towards the synagogue.

“The assailant, Wissem Khazri, later hid in Erriadh’s primary school garden, approximately 200 metres away from the Ghriba synagogue,” Interior Minister Kamal Feki said.

The attacker reportedly monitored the movement of security vehicles from his hideout before beginning the attack at about 8pm.

“He was surrounded and eliminated within 112 seconds,” Mr Feki said.

Authorities said they have opened an investigation into the incident. No explanation for the attacker’s motives has been provided as yet.

“I cannot provide you with any details that could jeopardise the investigation’s proceedings,” the minister told the press.

He also praised security forces for their efforts and reassured the public about the stability of the country.

“Life resumed to its normal pace in Djerba, which is evidence that the executor of the attack did not succeed in fulfilling his plans,” Mr Faki said.

The two Jewish pilgrims killed in the attack will be transferred to France for burial, Tunisian authorities said.

This is not the first time the synagogue has been the target of an attack.

In 2002, a bombing for which Al Qaeda claimed responsibility killed 21 worshippers.

Updated: May 11, 2023, 6:56 PM