<b>Question:</b> On June 23, Dh9,751 ($2,655) was charged to my <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/money/2023/04/05/the-debt-panel-can-i-get-annual-fees-waived-on-an-unused-credit-card/" target="_blank">Emirates NBD credit card</a>. No <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/money/2024/07/04/how-to-safeguard-your-financial-information-if-you-lose-your-phone/" target="_blank">one-time password </a>was sent for the transaction, which appears to be from a company in Poland that I had not heard of. When I look at the transaction in the app, it shows “success June 24 12.00am”. I don't know if this means the bank could have <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/money/2024/05/09/uae-bank-fraud-criminals-increasingly-focusing-on-contactless-transactions/" target="_blank">stopped the transaction </a>had I reported the fraud. As soon as I saw <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/money/2023/05/11/the-debt-panel-my-bank-is-ignoring-a-fraudulent-transaction-on-my-card/" target="_blank">the fraudulent transaction</a>, I called the bank to <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/money/2022/10/13/the-debt-panel-why-wont-a-hotel-lift-a-2000-block-on-my-credit-card/" target="_blank">block the card</a>. The agent confirmed it as a fraud transaction. I also placed a request for a temporary credit while the transaction was being investigated. I was told that it was up to the senior management to approve it. Three days later, another transaction was attempted from the same vendor for €304 ($329). The card was already blocked, so I assumed the transaction did not go through. I subsequently called the bank to follow up on the temporary credit and mentioned the second transaction. I was told that Visa was investigating the transaction and there had been no feedback regarding the temporary credit, and a follow-up note was put on the account. The €304 was refunded to my card after a few days. When I followed up again, I was told there was no feedback regarding the transaction or temporary credit. Another note was put on the account to request the fraud team to contact me with an update, but nobody did. I called again and was told that there was a note that the transaction needed further investigation and there was no feedback on the temporary credit I'd requested. Instead, I was offered an instalment plan so I would not have to make the payment in full for the initial fraudulent transaction as my monthly payment date was due soon. I questioned this since I would have to pay interest, but the agent said it was my only option to avoid paying for the transaction in full. I asked her to escalate the issue and for feedback on why they would not apply a temporary credit. She added another note to the account and told me there was nothing else she could do. It has been frustrating dealing with the bank and I am confused as to why the second transaction was refunded, yet they need further time to investigate the first one. While the bank states a 60- to 90-day turnaround time for the investigation, I am unsure as to why they would not apply temporary credit. Can you help? <i><b>LC, Dubai</b></i> <b>Answer:</b> Seeing a fraudulent transaction on an account is stressful and is all too common these days. LC took the right action without delay. I escalated the issue to my contacts at the bank and they acted swiftly. After a few days, the representative said: “We are pleased to inform you that our Group Customer Experience team has been in touch with Ms C and provided her with the necessary clarifications regarding the fraudulent transactions and the matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.” A temporary credit has been added to the account so no payments are due while the initial fraudulent transaction is being investigated, which can be a lengthy process. <b>Q:</b> I have resigned from my job after two years as I want to move to a different type of work. I have an offer for a new job and so, I have resigned from my current company. My contract says there is one month’s notice and I am working that. My worry is that my current employer may say that I have to leave the country after I finish working for them and may take me to the airport to make sure I leave. Will I need to do that? <i><b>DS, Sharjah</b></i> <b>A:</b> It is not necessary for DS to leave the UAE on changing employment and the employer is incorrect. They simply need to pay all that is due and cancel the visa. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has officially stated: “The employer may not compel the employee to leave the state if the employee desires to join a new employer in the event that the employee complies with the procedures stipulated regarding the termination of the employment contract.” If this employer is insistent even once DS explains the law, they can make a formal complaint to MoHRE for support. <i>Keren Bobker is an independent financial adviser and senior partner with Holborn Assets in Dubai, with more than 30 years’ experience. Contact her at </i><a href="mailto:keren@holbornassets.com"><i>keren@holbornassets.com</i></a><i>or at </i><a href="http://www.financialuae.com/"><i>www.financialuae.com</i></a> <i>The advice provided in our columns does not constitute legal advice and is provided for information only</i>