US Senate confirms Herro Mustafa Garg as ambassador to Egypt

She said the embassy should take a 'very, very active role' in Cairo and the region

Herro Mustafa Garg, then-US Ambassador to Bulgaria pictured during an event. Photo: American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria

The US Senate confirmed President Joe Biden's pick for the next ambassador to Egypt in a pivotal time in the Middle East region.

On Wednesday, the legislative chamber approved the former US Ambassador to Bulgaria, Herro Mustafa Garg, for the role in a voice vote.

In October, Ms Mustafa Garg testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, saying she was “particularly honoured” to serve “as the first American ambassador of Kurdish descent” as a refugee of Iraqi Kurdistan.

With Israel's war in Gaza after a deadly attack by Hamas members, Ms Mustafa Garg recognised that entering this role in Cairo is especially important at this time.

“We are witnessing in real-time Egypt's vital role as we strive to protect American citizens, secure the immediate and unconditional release of hostages, prevent harm to civilians, and prevent the conflict from spreading,” she also testified.

Ms Mustafa Garg said that the US embassy in Egypt should take a “very, very active role” in diplomacy between President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's government and other regional players amid the Israel-Gaza war.

She was most recently the US Ambassador to Bulgaria for more than three years.

Her 25 years of service include work around Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon, according to the White House.

Ms Mustafa Garg has also served as an adviser on the Middle East in the Office of the Under Secretary for Political Affairs and as a director for Iran, Israeli-Palestinian Affairs and Jordan at the National Security Council.

The approval of her ambassadorship follows the Senate's confirmation of Jack Lew as US Ambassador to Israel on Tuesday.

Updated: November 02, 2023, 3:32 AM