A woman cross-country skis in Denver, Colorado, as a winter storm sweeps the US. AP
Robert Garcia burns a small container of wood to attract customers as he sells firewood in Spring, Texas. AP
Sam Miller shovels a clear path for people to walk in central St Louis, Missouri, on February 3, 2022. AP
Snow and ice are cleared from the tarmac at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport in Grapevine, Texas. AP
A pedestrian races to catch his bus amid driving snow in central Cleveland, Ohio. AP
A shopper looks through the few remaining loaves of bread in a Reasor's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. AP
Traffic along eastbound Interstate 70 grinds to a halt in Columbia, Missouri, following several accidents after a winter storm dumped several centimetres of snow. AP
A worker clears snow from the front of a business in Chicago, Illinois. AFP
A worker clears snow from the front of a business in Chicago, Illinois. AFP
A woman cross-country skis in Denver, Colorado, as a winter storm sweeps the US. AP
Robert Garcia burns a small container of wood to attract customers as he sells firewood in Spring, Texas. AP
Sam Miller shovels a clear path for people to walk in central St Louis, Missouri, on February 3, 2022. AP
Snow and ice are cleared from the tarmac at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport in Grapevine, Texas. AP
A pedestrian races to catch his bus amid driving snow in central Cleveland, Ohio. AP
A shopper looks through the few remaining loaves of bread in a Reasor's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. AP
Traffic along eastbound Interstate 70 grinds to a halt in Columbia, Missouri, following several accidents after a winter storm dumped several centimetres of snow. AP
A worker clears snow from the front of a business in Chicago, Illinois. AFP
A worker clears snow from the front of a business in Chicago, Illinois. AFP
A woman cross-country skis in Denver, Colorado, as a winter storm sweeps the US. AP