Mohamed Abushahab, deputy envoy to the UN, said the UAE will use its time on the Security Council to tackle the 'widening inequality gap' globally. Pawan Singh / The National
Mohamed Abushahab, deputy envoy to the UN, said the UAE will use its time on the Security Council to tackle the 'widening inequality gap' globally. Pawan Singh / The National

UAE pushes for ‘inclusion and resilience’ at UN's top table

The UAE will push for “inclusion and building resilience” as a way to end wars and crises during its coming term on the UN Security Council, deputy ambassador Mohamed Abushahab said on Tuesday.

Addressing the council chamber in New York, Mr Abushahab said the Emirates will use its two-year stint on the 15-member council, which begins on January 1, to tackle the “widening inequality gap” globally.

“The UAE’s upcoming Security Council term will be guided by the pillars of advancing inclusion and building resilience,” he said.

“We remain committed to driving these concepts forward in our contribution to conflict prevention and resolution.”

The meeting was led by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico, which holds the council’s rotating presidency for the month of November.

Mr Lopez Obrador used the session to unveil a “world plan for fraternity and well-being” — a global tax on the wealthy to flow directly to the poorest and neediest people on the planet.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged the “global community to work as one”.

“Without inclusion, the puzzle of peace remains incomplete, with many gaps to be filled,” the UN chief said.

The UAE and four other nations were in June elected to serve on the Security Council as non-permanent members from next year. It will be the UAE’s second stint on the council after serving from 1986-1987.

Updated: November 09, 2021, 7:15 PM

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