Fighters from the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces can be seen patrolling a street in Tabqa, northern Syria, in this undated photo released on May 11, 2017 by Hawar News, the news agency for the semi-autonomous Kurdish areas of Syria. Hawar News Agency via AP
Fighters from the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces can be seen patrolling a street in Tabqa, northern Syria, in this undated photo released on May 11, 2017 by Hawar News, the news agency for the sShow more

US-backed Syria fighters clear ISIL mines from Tabqa town and dam

TABQA, SYRIA // The US-backed force fighting ISIL in northern Syria began clearing mines at the country’s largest dam and in the nearby town of Tabqa on Thursday, a day after seizing them from the extremist group.

The capture of Tabqa by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is a key step in its advance on Raqqa, ISIL’s de facto capital in Syria, and came as controversy intensified over a US decision to arm the alliance’s Syrian Kurdish component.

The US military command in the Middle East, Centcom, confirmed the liberation of Tabqa, situated on the Euphrates River about 55 kilometres upstream from Raqqa.

“The SDF’s increased pressure on ISIL from each flank allowed it to ... clear the final neighbourhoods of the city and isolate Tabqa dam,” Centcom said.

The Arab-Kurdish alliance accepted ISIL’s surrender to protect civilians and the dam, it said, adding “the coalition tracked fleeing fighters and targeted those that could be safely hit”.

US Col John Dorrian, spokesman for the US-led coalition against ISIL, said 30,000 residents had been displaced since the fight for Tabqa began on March 21, and that the priority was now to protect those who remained.

The offensive on Tabqa was part of the SDF’s “Wrath of the Euphrates” operation to retake Raqqa. The SDF has already captured large swathes of territory north of Raqqa and in some areas its fighters are just 8km from the city. The alliance is now working to tighten the noose before a final assault.

The battle for Tabqa was marked by fears that fighting could damage the nearby dam, with the potential for catastrophic flooding if the water from its reservoir, Lake Assad, was released.

Sources said technicians at the dam had fled as fighting intensified in recent days, and on Thursday a repair team was on standby to enter and assess any damage to the structure after the SDF finished clearing mines laid by ISIL.

The SDF is dominated by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), seen by the US as an indispensable ally in the fight against ISIL but considered a “terrorist group” by Turkey.

Washington has stepped up its support for the YPG in recent days, announcing it would arm the Kurdish fighters in a break with its previous policy of arming only the Arab groups in the alliance.

The decision infuriated Turkey, a fellow Nato member, which regards the YPG as the Syrian arm of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) that has waged a deadly insurgency inside Turkey since 1984.

The US-led coalition said a first consignment of weapons was already in place for delivery and could be dispatched to the Kurds “very quickly”.

Col Dorrian said the arms include heavy machine guns to be used against ISIL lorry bombs, mortars, small arms and ammunition, as well as armoured vehicles and equipment to detect landmines.

“Every single one of these weapons that are being provided to our partner force, we intend to account for them, and to ensure that they are pointed at ISIL,” he said.

But Washington’s reassurances have failed to assuage Ankara.

“YPG and PKK are both terror groups, there is no difference at all between them. They only have different names,” Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said.

The US defence secretary James Mattis and Turkish prime minister Binali Yildirim held talks in London on Thursday in the highest-level meeting between the two sides since the US announced its decision to arm the YPG, although it was not clear if they discussed the issue.

The Pentagon said only that Mr Mattis “reiterated US commitment to our Nato ally”.

The issue is set to dominate talks between Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his American counterpart Donald Trump next week, the first meeting between the two heads of state.

“I hope very much that this mistake will be reversed immediately,” Mr Erdogan said.

The YPG said on Thursday that it would seek “neighbourly relations” with Turkey. Spokesman Redur Khalil called on Ankara to let go of its “unjustified” fears of the group.

* Agence France-Presse and Associated Press

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