Former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage says bank accounts closed

Right-winger suggests move is due to his role in the 2016 referendum that led to Britain leaving the EU

Nigel Farage said the “corporate world” has probably not forgiven him for Brexit. PA

British right-wing figure Nigel Farage has claimed his bank accounts have been closed, saying life in the UK is becoming “completely unlivable”.

The former Brexit Party leader said the unnamed banking group, which he has been with since 1980, told him it was a commercial decision.

However, Mr Farage said on Twitter this amounted to “serious political persecution”, suggesting the decision was made due to his involvement in the 2016 referendum that led to Britain leaving the EU.

He said in a video: “I got a phone call a couple of months ago to say ‘we are closing your accounts’, I asked why, no reason was given.

“I was told a letter would come which will explain everything, the letter came through and simply said ‘we are closing your accounts, we want to finish it all by a date’, which is around about now.”

Mr Farage, a prominent Leave campaigner, suggested this could be due to “prejudice” because the “corporate world” has probably not forgiven him for Brexit.

The former Ukip leader went on to say that without a bank account you become a “non-person, you don’t actually exist, it’s like the worst regimes of the mid 20th century, be they in Russia or Germany.”

“Now there is a possibility for a FinTech company that I could find some means of receiving and paying money, which could be a little bit of a lifeline, but it’s not a bank account, because I won’t be able to earn any interest on positive cash balances.

“I won’t be able to borrow money – if I need to at any point- or take out a mortgage should I so desire. That will be completely denied to me, I won’t be to have a debit card linked directly to my account.

“I won’t really be able to exist and function in a modern 21st century Britain.”

He said that he believed his life in the UK is “now becoming completely unlivable because of the levels of prejudice against me.”

Updated: June 29, 2023, 8:56 PM