Kanye West and President-elect Donald Trump arrive to the lobby of Trump Tower in New York. AP Photo
Kanye West answers questions during a service at Lakewood Church Sunday in Houston. AP Photo
Rapper Kanye West wears a Make America Great again hat during a meeting with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. AP
In a wide-ranging phone conversation with Forbes magazine, the billionaire entertainment mogul acknowledged that he has missed the deadline. AFP
The rapper, who once praised Donald Trump, told Forbes that he is “taking the red hat off” — a reference to Trump’s trademark red “Make America Great Again” cap. AP
The US will hold presidential elections on November 3, 2020. EPA
The entertainment mogul who urges listeners in one song to "reach for the stars, so if you fall, you land on a cloud," announced he is challenging Donald Trump for the US presidency on July 4. AFP
A supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump holds a pillow of him and Kanye West at his campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. Reuters
Kanye West and President-elect Donald Trump arrive to the lobby of Trump Tower in New York. AP Photo
Kanye West answers questions during a service at Lakewood Church Sunday in Houston. AP Photo
Rapper Kanye West wears a Make America Great again hat during a meeting with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. AP
In a wide-ranging phone conversation with Forbes magazine, the billionaire entertainment mogul acknowledged that he has missed the deadline. AFP
The rapper, who once praised Donald Trump, told Forbes that he is “taking the red hat off” — a reference to Trump’s trademark red “Make America Great Again” cap. AP
The US will hold presidential elections on November 3, 2020. EPA
The entertainment mogul who urges listeners in one song to "reach for the stars, so if you fall, you land on a cloud," announced he is challenging Donald Trump for the US presidency on July 4. AFP
A supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump holds a pillow of him and Kanye West at his campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. Reuters
Kanye West and President-elect Donald Trump arrive to the lobby of Trump Tower in New York. AP Photo