Members of the medical staff at UNRWA prepare prescription medicines to deliver to Palestinian refugees in their homes at Amman New camp amid concerns over the spread of the coronavirus disease. Picture taken April 15, 2020. Reuters

Jordan gets back to work as final lockdown restrictions removed

Jordan has lifted all restrictions on economic activity in the latest easing of coronavirus lockdown rules to help jump-start the economy.

The Kingdom announced on Sunday evening that the final restrictions on work were removed after it has been gradually allowed businesses back to work for the past two weeks but with lower staffing levels and strict social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

Industry and Trade Minister Tariq Hammouri said businesses and industries would now be able to resume production.

Public transport will be allowed to return to full normal service with safety guidelines following the outbreak, but universities and schools will remain closed and a night curfew will continue.

Jordan has reported 460 confirmed coronavirus cases and nine deaths but says it has now contained the outbreak.

The government of Prime Minister Omar Al Razzaz won widespread praise for quick moves to curb the spread of the coronavirus.