The Jordanian prime minister Samir Rifai, right, welcomes the Iraqi prime minister Nouri al Maliki yesterday.
The Jordanian prime minister Samir Rifai, right, welcomes the Iraqi prime minister Nouri al Maliki yesterday.

Iran trip bolsters Maliki's credentials

TEHRAN // Highlighting Iran's growing clout in neighbouring Iraq, the Iraqi prime minister visits Tehran today to solicit help in securing a second term.

Nouri al Maliki already has Iran's staunch support. So his trip is more likely aimed at persuading Tehran to cajole Syria, a close ally of Iran, into supporting his candidacy, regional experts said.

Damascus had backed Mr al Maliki's main rival, Iyad Allawi, a secular Shiite, who won the overwhelming support of Iraq's minority Sunni community in the election.

Mr al Maliki also will seek Iran's influence to persuade elements of a loose Shiite coalition, the Iraqi National Alliance, to back him, analysts said.

Iraq holds the unenviable world record in being unable to form a government after the election in March.

Mr al Maliki visited Damascus last week, but it was unclear whether he secured support from Syria's President Bashar al Assad. The Iraqi prime minister infuriated Damascus last year by accusing Syria of supporting deadly lorry bomb attacks in Baghdad.

Mr al Maliki was in Jordan yesterday where King Abdullah II, who rules over a Sunni-led country, also withheld his public endorsement.

In a rare confluence of interests, meanwhile, both Iran and the United States tacitly back Mr al Maliki's drive for a second term, albeit for different reasons.

"Washington sees al Maliki as a moderate force within Iraq's Shiite community, while Iran views him as an ally who is not a secular Shiite like Allawi," said an Arab diplomat in Jordan, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "The US is placating Iran in Iraq because Iran is not causing any problems for the Americans as they withdraw."

Mr al Maliki's Shiite-led State of Law bloc finished a narrow second behind Mr Allawi's Sunni-dominated Iraqiya group in the March election, but neither came close to securing a parliamentary majority.

"Iran doesn't want the rise of Sunnis or secular pan-Arab Shiites in Iraq," said a senior Iranian analyst in Tehran, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the subject.

"Iran wants Iraq to remain neutral or at best pro-Iranian. Long-term political upheaval in Iraq is against Tehran's interests because it could aggravate strife between Sunnis and Shiites, which goes against Iran's interests," he said.

Iran is linked to its Iraqi neighbour by centuries-old ties of religion, history and trade and, inevitably, will play a role in Iraq long after US forces have left.

At the same time, Iran is aware of the power of Iraqi nationalism: Iraqi Shiites remained loyal to Baghdad during Iraq's eight-year war with Iran.

Saudi Arabia, the leading Sunni Arab counterweight to Shiite Iran in the Gulf, backs Mr Allawi because the kingdom sees Mr al Maliki as a sectarian politician determined to empower Shiites at the expense of Iraq's Sunni minority, which wielded power until Saddam Hussein was ousted in 2003.

Iran demonstrated its influence in Iraq earlier this month when, to the dismay of Washington, it persuaded the virulently anti-US Shiite movement of Moqtadr al Sadr, a radical cleic, to support Mr al Maliki.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that Washington has warned Tehran through intermediaries that it might jettison its support for Mr al Maliki if he includes Mr Sadr in his coalition.

Mr Allawi told Al Arabiya television over the weekend that Iran's behind-the-scenes "arm-twisting" was having a "negative effect" on politics in Iraq.

Mr al Maliki plans further travels in the region where Saudi Arabia, Eygpt, the Gulf Arab states and Turkey all see Mr Allawi as more representative of Iraq's Sunni Arabs and therefore more likely to roll back Iran's growing regional influence.

But, said analysts, the political momentum is behind Mr al Maliki, and by extension, Iran.

Electric scooters: some rules to remember
  • Riders must be 14-years-old or over
  • Wear a protective helmet
  • Park the electric scooter in designated parking lots (if any)
  • Do not leave electric scooter in locations that obstruct traffic or pedestrians
  • Solo riders only, no passengers allowed
  • Do not drive outside designated lanes
European arms

Known EU weapons transfers to Ukraine since the war began: Germany 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles. Luxembourg 100 NLAW anti-tank weapons, jeeps and 15 military tents as well as air transport capacity. Belgium 2,000 machine guns, 3,800 tons of fuel. Netherlands 200 Stinger missiles. Poland 100 mortars, 8 drones, Javelin anti-tank weapons, Grot assault rifles, munitions. Slovakia 12,000 pieces of artillery ammunition, 10 million litres of fuel, 2.4 million litres of aviation fuel and 2 Bozena de-mining systems. Estonia Javelin anti-tank weapons.  Latvia Stinger surface to air missiles. Czech Republic machine guns, assault rifles, other light weapons and ammunition worth $8.57 million.


Starring: Winona Ryder, Michael Keaton, Jenny Ortega

Director: Tim Burton

Rating: 3/5

World Cricket League Division 2

In Windhoek, Namibia - Top two teams qualify for the World Cup Qualifier in Zimbabwe, which starts on March 4.

UAE fixtures

Thursday February 8, v Kenya; Friday February 9, v Canada; Sunday February 11, v Nepal; Monday February 12, v Oman; Wednesday February 14, v Namibia; Thursday February 15, final

If you go

The flights
Etihad ( flies from Abu Dhabi to Luang Prabang via Bangkok, with a return flight from Chiang Rai via Bangkok for about Dh3,000, including taxes. Emirates and Thai Airways cover the same route, also via Bangkok in both directions, from about Dh2,700.
The cruise
The Gypsy by Mekong Kingdoms has two cruising options: a three-night, four-day trip upstream cruise or a two-night, three-day downstream journey, from US$5,940 (Dh21,814), including meals, selected drinks, excursions and transfers.
The hotels
Accommodation is available in Luang Prabang at the Avani, from $290 (Dh1,065) per night, and at Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp and Resort from $1,080 (Dh3,967) per night, including meals, an activity and transfers.