An Iranian woman holds her child at the Mofid Children's Hospital in Tehran. The government is encouraging more Iranians to have children as the birth rate continues to slide. Ebrahim Noroozi / AP Photo
An Iranian woman holds her child at the Mofid Children's Hospital in Tehran. The government is encouraging more Iranians to have children as the birth rate continues to slide. Ebrahim Noroozi / AP PhoShow more

Iran seeking a population bomb

TEHRAN // In Iran, free contraception and government-backed vasectomies are out, replaced by sermons praising larger families and discussions of offering gold coins to the families of newborns.

Having successfully curbed birth rates for two decades, Iran now is promoting a baby boom to help make up for its graying population. But experts say it is difficult to encourage Iranians to have more children in a mismanaged economy. Western sanctions are biting: inflation stands at 36 per cent and the unemplyment rate is at 12 per cent.

“A gold coin won’t change couples’ calculations,” said Mohammad Jalal Abbasi, head of Demographics Department at Tehran University. “Many young Iranians prefer to continue their studies, not marry. Lack of financial ability to buy a house and meet expenses are among other reasons why the youth postpone marriage or have no interest in raising many children.”

Iran’s birthrate reached a peak of 3.6 children per couple after its 1979 Islamic Revolution, among the world’s highest at the time. By 1990, experts estimated Iran could be home to 140 million people if the rate was left unchecked. To combat the rise, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei endorsed birth control, while then-President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani made controlling the birth rate a part of his development plans.

Mass-produced condoms reached Iranians, as a month’s supply of birth control cost the equivalent of 10 cents in 1992. The birth rate dropped precipitously, now reportedly standing at 1.8 children per couple with a population of about 77 million people. Experts now say that drive might have been too successful, estimating that Iran’s population growth could reach zero in the next 20 years if the trend is not reversed.

Fearing that population decline, the machinery of state in Iran has changed course entirely. Ayatollah Khamenei, who has final say over all matters of state, now says Iran should have a population of 150 million people or more.

“If we move forward like this, we will be a country of elderly people in a not-too-distant future. Why do some couples prefer to have one or two children? Why do couples avoid having children? The reasons need to be studied,” the ayatollah recently said. “There was an imitation of western life and we inherited this.”

Sermons now urge worshippers to raise more children for Iran’s future. Mahdi Sedqazar, who performed vasectomies at his government-sponsored Martyr Jafari clinic in central Tehran for a decade, now focuses on preventing HIV-Aids and promoting factory workers’ health.

“Vasectomy operations have totally stopped. They were eliminated eight months ago,” Mr Sedqazar said. “The budget on population curbs has been halted.”

Some blame a drop in marriages and a rise in divorce for the falling birth rate. Others point to Iran’s economy, battered by western sanctions over its contested nuclear programme.

“Unemployment, a lack of housing and job insecurity are the top most important reasons for decrease in fertility rate,” Mr Abbasi said.

As part of a plan to encourage Iranians to have more children, the Iranian parliament approved a bill that allows the government to increase maternity leaves to nine months from six months and to give fathers a two-week leave. Iran’s constitutional watchdog, the Guardian Council, made it a law in July. Government officials also have discussed offering gold coins for each newborn.

But those incentives may not be enough. Ali Akbar Mahzoon, head of government statistics and demographic data, said family culture has changed irrespective of financial ability and job security. The average age for people to get married in Iran has gone from the early 20s to the late 20s, Mr Mahzoon said. While some 23 million Iranians are eligible to marry, 11 million of them haven’t done so, he said.

“Wealthy people or those who have a secure job also have no interest in having more than two children,” he said. However, he said that more jobs and housing will be effective tools in helping increase birth rates.

For Hossein Masoudi, a 43-year-old father of two, economics remain the reason why he does not plan to have more children.

“It’s not logical. They need housing, education and a lot more. I barely make ends meet,” he said. “Instead of having more children, my wife and I prefer to focus on giving our two children better education and improving the quality of their life.”

* Associated Press

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How Voiss turns words to speech

The device has a screen reader or software that monitors what happens on the screen

The screen reader sends the text to the speech synthesiser

This converts to audio whatever it receives from screen reader, so the person can hear what is happening on the screen

A VOISS computer costs between $200 and $250 depending on memory card capacity that ranges from 32GB to 128GB

The speech synthesisers VOISS develops are free

Subsequent computer versions will include improvements such as wireless keyboards

Arabic voice in affordable talking computer to be added next year to English, Portuguese, and Spanish synthesiser

Partnerships planned during Expo 2020 Dubai to add more languages

At least 2.2 billion people globally have a vision impairment or blindness

More than 90 per cent live in developing countries

The Long-term aim of VOISS to reach the technology to people in poor countries with workshops that teach them to build their own device

The five pillars of Islam

1. Fasting

2. Prayer

3. Hajj

4. Shahada

5. Zakat 
