Infamous English monarch King Henry VIII was unsurprisingly found to be extremely untrustworthy by the algorithm in a separate study. His wives would have agreed. Getty Images
Forrest Gump movie legend Tom Hanks is seen as a nice guy. Did the algorithm agree? AFP
Talk show host Oprah Winfrey is frequently touted as presidential candidate given how trust is vested in her. AFP
Former President Barack Obama forged a reputation for trustworthiness - although Donald Trump supporters would demur. AP
President Donal Trump was ranked as being less trustworthy than rival Joe Biden in a separate study by the algorithm EPA
Britain's prime minister Boris Johnson was entrusted with a whopping majority by the UK electorate in 2019. AFP
The Duchess of Sussex is a divisive figure - which side will the algorithm come down on. AP
Infamous English monarch King Henry VIII was unsurprisingly found to be extremely untrustworthy by the algorithm in a separate study. His wives would have agreed. Getty Images
Forrest Gump movie legend Tom Hanks is seen as a nice guy. Did the algorithm agree? AFP
Talk show host Oprah Winfrey is frequently touted as presidential candidate given how trust is vested in her. AFP
Former President Barack Obama forged a reputation for trustworthiness - although Donald Trump supporters would demur. AP
President Donal Trump was ranked as being less trustworthy than rival Joe Biden in a separate study by the algorithm EPA
Britain's prime minister Boris Johnson was entrusted with a whopping majority by the UK electorate in 2019. AFP
The Duchess of Sussex is a divisive figure - which side will the algorithm come down on. AP
Infamous English monarch King Henry VIII was unsurprisingly found to be extremely untrustworthy by the algorithm in a separate study. His wives would have agreed. Getty Images