Residents stand outside a house which has been snowed in. Getty Images
In the village of Braemar a low of -22.9C was recorded overnight by the Met Office, as forecasters believe it to be the coldest night since 1995. Getty Images
Icicles hang from the roof of a shop in Braemar. Getty Images
A river is frozen over in Braemar. Getty Images
People walk along a snow covered lane in Braemar. Getty Images
A snow plough clears snow from a road in Braemar. Getty Images
People walk past a building that has been snowed in. Getty Images
A car sits trapped by snow in a driveway. Getty Images
A man walks his dog through Braemar. Getty Images
A woman walks past a Tea Shop with icicles hanging from the roof. Getty Images
Residents stand outside a house which has been snowed in. Getty Images
In the village of Braemar a low of -22.9C was recorded overnight by the Met Office, as forecasters believe it to be the coldest night since 1995. Getty Images
Icicles hang from the roof of a shop in Braemar. Getty Images
A river is frozen over in Braemar. Getty Images
People walk along a snow covered lane in Braemar. Getty Images
A snow plough clears snow from a road in Braemar. Getty Images
People walk past a building that has been snowed in. Getty Images
A car sits trapped by snow in a driveway. Getty Images
A man walks his dog through Braemar. Getty Images
A woman walks past a Tea Shop with icicles hanging from the roof. Getty Images
Residents stand outside a house which has been snowed in. Getty Images