A migrant wears a t-shirt with the British flag at a makeshift camp in the outskirts of Calais. AFP
Migrants in a dinghy wearing life jackets cross the English Channel from France to try to enter Britain illegally. AFP
They left northern France to cross the English Channel -- which is 33,8 km at the closest point in the Straits of Dover -- in small inflatable boats. AFP
Walid, 29, a Kuwaiti migrant, makes a phone call at a tent at a makeshift migrants camp in Dunkirk. AFP
Falah, an Iraqi migrant kisses his daughter Arwa after getting her ready to be smuggled into Britain. AFP
Yaser, 42, a migrant from Iraq, walks on railway tracks in Dunkirk. AFP
Falah holds insulin injections for his diabetic daughter. AFP
Migrants walk back to their makeshift camp in the outskirts of Calais. AFP
Izhar, a 16-year-old migrant from Pakistan, lies down in his small tent . AFP
A French military ship shines light searching for migrant boats. AFP
Walid (3rd left) was found in the channel and brougt ashore on the DHB Dauntless tug boat. AFP
Walid (centre), reaches the UK. AFP
Falah washes clothes in a river on France. AFP
A migrant wears a t-shirt with the British flag at a makeshift camp in the outskirts of Calais. AFP
Migrants in a dinghy wearing life jackets cross the English Channel from France to try to enter Britain illegally. AFP
They left northern France to cross the English Channel -- which is 33,8 km at the closest point in the Straits of Dover -- in small inflatable boats. AFP
Walid, 29, a Kuwaiti migrant, makes a phone call at a tent at a makeshift migrants camp in Dunkirk. AFP
Falah, an Iraqi migrant kisses his daughter Arwa after getting her ready to be smuggled into Britain. AFP
Yaser, 42, a migrant from Iraq, walks on railway tracks in Dunkirk. AFP
Falah holds insulin injections for his diabetic daughter. AFP
Migrants walk back to their makeshift camp in the outskirts of Calais. AFP
Izhar, a 16-year-old migrant from Pakistan, lies down in his small tent . AFP
A French military ship shines light searching for migrant boats. AFP
Walid (3rd left) was found in the channel and brougt ashore on the DHB Dauntless tug boat. AFP
Walid (centre), reaches the UK. AFP
Falah washes clothes in a river on France. AFP
A migrant wears a t-shirt with the British flag at a makeshift camp in the outskirts of Calais. AFP