Statues to historical figures with links to Britain's history of imperialism and slavery became a focal point of anti-racism protests in the country. The statue of former leader Winston Churchill was boarded up to protect it from vandalism. EPA
The new sculpture was built by local artist Marc Quinn. Getty Images
Black Lives Matter protester Jen Reid poses for a photograph in front of the sculpture of herself. Getty Images
Both artists and subject said they hoped the sculpture would keep the conversation going about racism in Britain. Getty Images
The new sculpture was erected without the permission of the local authorities, and the artist is not sure how long it will last. Getty Images
Statues to historical figures with links to Britain's history of imperialism and slavery became a focal point of anti-racism protests in the country. The statue of former leader Winston Churchill was boarded up to protect it from vandalism. EPA
The new sculpture was built by local artist Marc Quinn. Getty Images
Black Lives Matter protester Jen Reid poses for a photograph in front of the sculpture of herself. Getty Images
Both artists and subject said they hoped the sculpture would keep the conversation going about racism in Britain. Getty Images
The new sculpture was erected without the permission of the local authorities, and the artist is not sure how long it will last. Getty Images
Statues to historical figures with links to Britain's history of imperialism and slavery became a focal point of anti-racism protests in the country. The statue of former leader Winston Churchill was boarded up to protect it from vandalism. EPA