Egypt jails prominent April 6 activists

CAIRO // Three of Egypt’s most prominent secular activists from the 2011 revolution against Hosni Mubarak were convicted yesterday of holding a rally without authorisation and attacking police officers, receiving a three-year prison term in the first use of a highly criticised new law.

The judge, Amir Assem, found the three activists, Ahmed Maher, Ahmed Douma and Mohammed Adel, founders of the April 6 youth movement, guilty of violating the law passed last month. Each of them also faces fines of $7,000 (Dh26,000).

The government has described the law as an attempt to bring order and stability to the streets amid continued protests against the removal of the former president, Mohammed Morsi. But rights groups and politicians warn the new law is an attempt by the military-backed government to curtail dissent, particularly ahead of planned elections.

Mr Maher and Mr Douma were arrested after supporters allegedly scuffled with police outside a Cairo court on November 30, when Mr Maher handed himself in for questioning on suspicion he had organised an illegal protest.

Mr Adel was captured earlier this week in a midnight police raid on a non-governmental organisation in Cairo.

Mr Maher is the founder of the April 6 youth movement that led the revolt against Mr Mubarak. All three defendants were leading dissidents under Mr Mubarak, but they also supported the military’s overthrow of Mr Morsi, whom they accused of betraying the 2011 “revolution.”

* Agencies

We Weren’t Supposed to Survive But We Did

We weren’t supposed to survive but we did.      
We weren’t supposed to remember but we did.              
We weren’t supposed to write but we did.  
We weren’t supposed to fight but we did.              
We weren’t supposed to organise but we did.
We weren’t supposed to rap but we did.        
We weren’t supposed to find allies but we did.
We weren’t supposed to grow communities but we did.        
We weren’t supposed to return but WE ARE.
Amira Sakalla

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.


Directed by: Joe and Anthony Russo

Starring: Tom Holland, Ciara Bravo


What is a Ponzi scheme?

A fraudulent investment operation where the scammer provides fake reports and generates returns for old investors through money paid by new investors, rather than through ligitimate business activities.