A handout photo provided by the Myanmar information ministry shows Myanmar police officers on a fishing boat with migrants in Rakhine, Myanmar on May 22. EPA
A handout photo provided by the Myanmar information ministry shows Myanmar police officers on a fishing boat with migrants in Rakhine, Myanmar on May 22. EPA

Myanmar in first rescue of migrant boat

SITTWE, MYANMAR // Myanmar’s navy on Friday said it had carried out its first rescue of a migrant boat after mounting international pressure, as the UN warned the impending monsoon rains imperil thousands still stranded at sea.

“A navy ship found two boats... on May 21 while on patrol,” Tin Maung Swe, a senior official in the western state of Rakhine said, adding “about 200 Bengalis were on one of the boats”.

“Bengalis” is a term often used pejoratively by Myanmar officials to describe the Muslim Rohingya minority, 1.3 million of whom live in the country but are not recognised as citizens.

The widespread persecution of the impoverished community in Rakhine state is one of the primary causes for the current regional exodus, alongside growing numbers trying to escape poverty in neighbouring Bangladesh.

The navy rescue was welcomed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which said it was helping local authorities provide assistance to the migrants.

But fears remain for many more still left on boats in the Bay of Bengal.

“We hope that this recent positive development will be followed by other disembarkations in Myanmar and across the region, well in advance of the coming monsoon rains,” UNHCR spokeswoman Vivian Tan said.

The imminent monsoon season, when heavy rains and cyclones lash the region, usually signal a significant drop off in regional boat migrant numbers.

But a recent crackdown on the people smuggling trade in Thailand led to scores of migrants being abandoned by gangmasters on stricken boats just as the weather is set to change.

In the Bay of Bengal, the UNHCR believes up to 2,000 migrants are still stuck on vessels controlled by people smugglers who have been unwilling to begin the journey south because of the crackdown.

A trickle of would-be migrants have recently returned to Myanmar after relatives raised funds to buy them back from smugglers.

The boat discovered by Myanmar’s navy was Thai-owned and was guided to shore in Maungdaw township before dawn on Friday — the departure point for many Rohingya boats.

Photographs on the ministry of information’s Facebook page showed scores of bare-chested men crammed into the hull of a wooden fishing vessel as it made land.

The second vessel was empty, Tin Maung Swe said.

“Necessary medical health care and foods have been provided” to the passengers at a temporary camp in Maungdaw, he said.

“All of the 208 on board are from Bangladesh,” he added, repeating Myanmar’s official line that the migrants are from over the border.

On Thursday, the foreign ministers of Malaysia and Indonesia — whose countries are destination points for Rohingya fleeing persecution — met Myanmar officials as pressures mount to stem the migrant exodus from its shores.

Earlier this week, Malaysia and Indonesia relented on a hardline policy of pushing back the boats, and said their nations would accept the migrants for one year, or until they can be resettled or repatriated with the help of international agencies.

A US team led by deputy secretary of State Antony Blinken was also in Naypyidaw for talks with Myanmar’s president Thein Sein.

In a Facebook post released late on Thursday the US embassy in Yangon said Mr Blinken had “urged the Myanmar government to work with regional partners” in tackling the crisis.

The senior diplomat also “noted the contradictions inherent in the four race and religion bills to the government’s efforts to protect human rights”.

That was a reference to draft legislation that includes curbs on interfaith marriage, religious conversion and birth rates, which are seen by activists as particularly discriminatory against women and minorities — with the already marginalised Rohingya likely to be affected.

Myanmar has seen surging Buddhist nationalism in recent years and spates of violence targeting Muslim minorities have raised doubts over its much vaunted reforms after decades of harsh military rule.

Both the US and UN have raised particular concerns about the laws proposed by president Thein Sein, seen as a response to campaigns by hardline Buddhist monks in a key election year.

Noble Peace Prize winning opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is yet to comment on the current crisis, a silence that observers attribute to fears over alienating a swathe of the electorate just months ahead of the polls.

* Agence France-Presse

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Who is Tim-Berners Lee?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee was born in London in a household of mathematicians and computer scientists. Both his mother, Mary Lee, and father, Conway, were early computer scientists who worked on the Ferranti 1 - the world's first commercially-available, general purpose digital computer. Sir Tim studied Physics at the University of Oxford and held a series of roles developing code and building software before moving to Switzerland to work for Cern, the European Particle Physics laboratory. He developed the worldwide web code as a side project in 1989 as a global information-sharing system. After releasing the first web code in 1991, Cern made it open and free for all to use. Sir Tim now campaigns for initiatives to make sure the web remains open and accessible to all.

If you go

The flights

Etihad flies direct from Abu Dhabi to San Francisco from Dh5,760 return including taxes. 

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Etihad Guest members get a 10 per cent worldwide discount when booking with Hertz, as well as earning miles on their rentals. A week's car hire costs from Dh1,500 including taxes.

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Along the route, Motel 6 (www.motel6.com) offers good value and comfort, with rooms from $55 (Dh202) per night including taxes. In Portland, the Jupiter Hotel (https://jupiterhotel.com/) has rooms from $165 (Dh606) per night including taxes. The Society Hotel https://thesocietyhotel.com/ has rooms from $130 (Dh478) per night including taxes. 

More info

To keep up with constant developments in Portland, visit www.travelportland.com. Good guidebooks include the Lonely Planet guides to Northern California and Washington, Oregon & the Pacific Northwest. 


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Started: August 2020
Founder: Areej Selmi
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How to improve Arabic reading in early years

One 45-minute class per week in Standard Arabic is not sufficient

The goal should be for grade 1 and 2 students to become fluent readers

Subjects like technology, social studies, science can be taught in later grades

Grade 1 curricula should include oral instruction in Standard Arabic

First graders must regularly practice individual letters and combinations

Time should be slotted in class to read longer passages in early grades

Improve the appearance of textbooks

Revision of curriculum should be undertaken as per research findings

Conjugations of most common verb forms should be taught

Systematic learning of Standard Arabic grammar