Pakistani police arrest 129 people over church attacks

Mob violence erupted in eastern city of Jaranwala after claims a local Christian had desecrated the Quran

A church and homes have been damaged in a Christian area of Jaranwala, in Punjab province, eastern Pakistan. AP
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Police arrested 129 people in overnight raids in eastern Pakistan, following attacks on churches and the homes of Christians, officials said on Thursday.

A mob of Muslims went on the rampage in the city of Jaranwala, in Punjab province, on Wednesday, angered over the alleged desecration of the Quran by a local Christian. Authorities sent in troops to restore order.

Some Christians were slowly returning to their homes on Thursday.

At least one church was razed, while at least four others were damaged. About two dozen houses were torched or badly damaged in the attacks. No one was reported injured in the attacks.

On Wednesday, Khalid Mukhtar, a local priest, said that most Christians living in the area had fled to safer places. “Even my house was burnt,” he said.

He believed that most of Jaranwala's 17 churches had been attacked.

Muslim clerics have travelled to Jaranwala to try to calm the situation, as troops and police patrol the area.

Local authorities have shut schools and offices and banned rallies for a week, in a bid to prevent more violence.

The violence drew nationwide condemnation, with caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar ordering police to ensure the rioters are arrested.

On Thursday, regional police chief Rizwan Khan said 129 suspects had been arrested and the situation was under control.

The violence erupted after some Muslims claimed they had seen a local Christian, Raja Amir, and a friend tearing out pages from a Quran, throwing them on the ground and writing insulting remarks on other pages.

Police say they are trying to detain the suspect to determine whether he desecrated Islam’s holy book.

According to Mr Khan, a mob quickly gathered on Wednesday and attacked churches and Christian homes.

The rioters also attacked the offices of a city administrator.

Police fired into the air and wielded batons to disperse rioters.

Muslim clerics and elders helped persuade the group to stop the attacks.

Videos and photos posted on social media show a mob pelting a church with bricks. Other footage shows four churches being attacked, their windows smashed and rioters throwing out furniture and setting it alight.

Another video shows a man climbing on to the roof of a church and removing the cross, after repeatedly hitting it with a hammer.

Updated: August 17, 2023, 2:40 PM