Mohammed Morsi moves to Mubarak palace after Egypt election win

CAIRO // Egypt's new president-elect Mohammed Morsi arrived in one of the palaces used by his ousted predecessor Hosni Mubarak, as he began work on pulling together a new team of advisers.

Morsi, who was drawn from the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood and declared the winner of an acrimonious runoff against Mubarak's last premier yesterday, arrived at the presidential palace complex in Cairo's upscale Heliopolis district, escorted by police and the Republican Guard, the state-run Ahram Gate reported, citing unidentified security officials.

The 60-year-old US-trained engineer also met with Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, head of the country's ruling military council, as well as outgoing Prime Minister Kamal El Ganzouri, the Brotherhood's Freedom & Justice Party said today in a statement on its Facebook page. The interim Cabinet appointed by the ruling generals held its last meeting today before resigning, Information Minister Ahmed Anis told reporters. Ministers will continue to work until a new cabinet is formed, he said.

Morsi inherits an office whose powers were curbed last week by the military. Working within those limitations, he has pledged that he will be able to deliver the kind of opportunities and hope that were denied under his predecessor. In his first speech as leader yesterday, he promised to be a president for "all Egyptians".

Egypt needs unity "so that this great and patient people could reap the fruits of its sacrifices," Morsi said, as millions took to the streets overnight to celebrate his win over Ahmed Shafik.
