A rescuer clears the site of a suicide bomb attack in Issers, which killed 43 people and wounded 38 today.
A rescuer clears the site of a suicide bomb attack in Issers, which killed 43 people and wounded 38 today.

Algeria police school attack kills 43

A suicide attack on an Algerian police school has killed 43 people and wounded 38, the interior ministry said today. The attacker drove a car packed with explosives at the main entrance to the school at Issers, 60km east of Algiers as candidates for an entry exam were waiting outside, witnesses said. Civilians as well as police officers were among the victims and a major security operation was under way there, they added.

The casualty figures were still provisional, the ministry said in a statement. But it is already the deadliest attack in the country in several months, worse than the December 2007 attack in Algiers against government and United Nations buildings, which killed 41 people and injured many others. Tuesday's attack comes as Algeria's newspapers reported an attack yesterday in which extremists killed 11 members of the security forces and a civilian in an ambush in the east of the country.

That attack, in Skikda, was one of the deadliest in the recent weeks and also left about a dozen security officers wounded, the newspapers Quotidien d'Oran and Liberte said. The papers also reported that four militants were killed in the attack. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the ambush. One bomb exploded as security forces in a convoy of three vehicles were on patrol in a mountainous area of the Skikda region.

A second bomb targetted soldiers who had come to back up the security forces engaged in fierce clashes with the insurgents. *AFP

The Cairo Statement

 1: Commit to countering all types of terrorism and extremism in all their manifestations

2: Denounce violence and the rhetoric of hatred

3: Adhere to the full compliance with the Riyadh accord of 2014 and the subsequent meeting and executive procedures approved in 2014 by the GCC  

4: Comply with all recommendations of the Summit between the US and Muslim countries held in May 2017 in Saudi Arabia.

5: Refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of countries and of supporting rogue entities.

6: Carry out the responsibility of all the countries with the international community to counter all manifestations of extremism and terrorism that threaten international peace and security