AL AIN // Candidates in Saturday's FNC elections have been warned not to litter roadsides with unlicensed billboards. Mohammed Saeed Al Neyadi, the head of organising and monitoring advertisements in Al Ain, said candidates risked having their adverts removed unless they stuck to the rules. Abu Dhabi FNC candidate Mansour Al Faheem speaks about what it means to run for a seat on the Federal National Council. "Guerrilla" billboards have proliferated during the campaign as the approved channels - permanent billboards, newspaper advertising space and TV and radio spots - became fully booked. Campaigning ends tomorrow. Mr Al Neyadi reminded candidates that unauthorised billboards could obscure drivers' vision. They are banned on roundabouts, street islands and pavements. Where permitted, they must be at least 100m apart, firmly attached to the ground and approved by the municipality. Mr Al Neyadi urged residents to call 993 to report any unauthorised adverts, which would be removed.