Sultan Al Neyadi reflects on UK university days after snap of English Channel

Emirati astronaut graduated from the University of Brighton in 2004

Sultan Al Neyadi took a picture of the English Channel from space. Photo: Sultan Al Neyadi / Twitter
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Emirati astronaut Sultan Neyadi's memories of life as a student in the UK came flooding back after he captured the English Channel from space.

Dr Al Neyadi, who is embarking on the Arab world's first long-duration mission on the International Space Station, graduated from the University of Brighton with a degree in electronics and communications engineering in 2004.

His meteoric rise has been followed with keen interest by his former university.

"Looking over the iconic English Channel, I’m reminded of my time as a student in the UK, and I’m taken back in time to moments where this waterway changed the course of history," Dr Al Neyadi, 41, tweeted on Tuesday.

Prof Debra Humphris, vice chancellor of the University of Brighton, has praised the former student's remarkable achievements.

“This is a rare and wonderful achievement by Sultan, and one that reflects a huge amount of dedication and hard work," Prof Humphris previously told The Argus, a Brighton-based newspaper.

“On behalf of everyone at the University of Brighton, we wish him the best of luck for his mission aboard the International Space Station.

"I’m incredibly proud to know that our university played an important role in his journey, and we look forward to hearing about his exploits when he returns."

A page on the university's website is dedicated to Dr Al Neyadi's exploits.

He has taken time out while journeying through space to offer insights into his passions back on Earth with his followers on social media.

Dr Al Neyadi recently shared a striking image on social media of his home town of Al Ain taken from the orbiting laboratory.

He also enjoyed a whistle-stop tour of the Gulf, pointing out capitals and countries including Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Muscat in Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq and Kuwait, as well as the Emirates, in video taken 400km above Earth.

The recording was taken from an observation module on the station.

Dr Al Neyadi arrived on the International Space Station for a six-month mission on March 3.

He is due to make more history on April 28 as the first Arab astronaut to take part in a spacewalk.

Sultan Al Neyadi in space - in pictures

Updated: April 18, 2023, 6:49 PM