ABU DHABI // A woman who came to the UAE to provide for her three children’s education has to face the double blow of seeing them not go to school next month and the reality that she may die if she does not raise enough money for a life-saving operation.
Filipina GF came here from her homeland two years ago to provide enough money to see her children through school.
The single mother, who suffers from kidney stones, joined a new real estate company. Her only vice was that she refused to accept injustice.
She was a supervisor at the company and worked for an unscrupulous manager. “He never processed most of the employee’s visas and they would go for months without pay,” she said.
GF complained to the manager as she also was getting paid late. “I told him that it wasn’t fair. Many of the employees had families, rent to pay and responsibilities,” she said.
She said he began to threaten and emotionally abuse her for speaking up.
“He told me that he wanted me to resign and that he didn’t want to see my face again. He said he would make my life hell.”
However, she refused to resign because being on a limited contract meant she would get no air fare home and no gratuity benefits.
“I told him that if he didn’t want me then he could fire me but he refused because it meant he would pay me my late wages and tickets,” she said.
When the abuse became intolerable, GF filed a complaint at the Ministry of Labour and stopped going to work.
It has been six months since she was last paid and has went from earning Dh7,000 a month to living on the charity of her flatmates.
She was diagnosed with three kidney stones in her left kidney and doctors have now said that they have to be surgically removed or her life will be at risk.
“I’ve had the stones for a while but couldn’t afford to do anything. I kept hoping they will pass but they haven’t.”
GF has been on no medication because she cannot afford it.
“When my fever becomes very high, I call the ambulance and they take me to the hospital. When you go to emergency, it’s for free, so I take the medicines and go home.”
Now Dubai doctors have told her that she must be admitted for the operation by the end of this month and have surgery because her life is at risk. The operation will cost Dh12,900, not including medication.
“I can’t afford that. I don’t have the money for food or to buy a ticket and go back home.”
Hisham Al Zahrani, manager of Zakat and Social Services at Dar Al Ber Society, said: “GF is going through a labour dispute with her employer. Unfortunately, she fell ill at the same time and needs Dh12,900 for an operation.”