Ras Al Khaimah Police have installed smart cameras across the city to detect motorists who fail to abide by lane rules. Offenders will be fined between Dh400 and Dh1,500 and could earn up to six black points on their licence. Brig Ahmad Al Naqbi, director of the traffic and patrols department, said a number of radars had been installed at busy intersections and were recently activated to catch drivers who do not stay in their lane. “A Dh400 fine will be imposed on the driver of any light vehicle caught jumping lanes,” he said. Drivers of heavy vehicles who do not stay in lane will be fined Dh1,500 and have six black points added to their licence. Road signs had been installed to alert drivers about the sophisticated radars to alert drivers to avoid violations, he said. “Drivers must remain in lane when at an intersection and are only allowed to change lanes when marks on the ground or sign boards permit them to do so," he said. "[The radars have been introduced] to avoid dangerous traffic accidents and preserve the safety of lives and property." The police official said the radars would also catch speeding drivers and those who jump red light signals. The addition of the smart cameras aim to curb traffic violations and reduce the number of road accidents in the emirate