Abu Dhabi Police have extended a discount scheme for motorists to pay off their traffic fines. Under the programme, motorists who pay their traffic fine within 60 days of incurring it, will have a 35 per cent discount applied to the fee. On Thursday, police said the initiative was brought in to help motorists clear any outstanding fines. The discount also applies to impound vehicle charges and late payment fines. Though police said the scheme was being extended, a final date was not disclosed. Last year, police brought in a traffic fine payment scheme that offered larger discounts for punctual payments. A payment system is also in place to help motorists with pay off their fines using interest-free monthly instalments. Five banks - Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, First Abu Dhabi Bank, Mashreq Al Islami and Emirates Islamic Bank - have signed agreements with the force to provide customers with credit cards offering interest-free instalments for one year. To be eligible of the service, drivers must have a credit card issued by one of these banks. Police advised motorists to contact the bank directly within two weeks of receiving their traffic fine. Fines can be paid using the one-year instalment plan, at an Abu Dhabi Police service centre, on the police website or smartphone app.