ABU DHABI // The UAE will be gathering advice and expertise on nuclear security at a five-day conference this week. The International Atomic Energy Agency regional seminar, which will be held in the capital starting today, will include more than 50 delegates from the UAE and other countries. They will discuss models of provisions for legislation on nuclear safety, security and safeguards.
"Working together and sharing ideas and experience enables us to adapt the best practices to suit our own situations," said Maj Mohammed al Shamsi, director of nuclear security at the Critical National Infrastructure Authority (CNIA). "As stakeholders in the development of civil nuclear energy programmes, we have the responsibility to ensure that the legislative framework and practicalities relating to safety and security are implemented to the highest international standards, as set by the International Atomic Energy Agency."
Conference officials said the talks would address the safe transport of nuclear materials and what kind of national infrastructure would be needed. Preventing those materials from falling victim to terrorism will be addressed as well. The delegates are all decision-makers in their countries and will present their homelands' experiences in the field. @Email:hdajani@thenational.ae