Pushing Middle East peace to the top of Obama's agenda

"Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday urged US president-elect Barack Obama to apply himself to the Middle East peace process as soon as he enters the White House on January 20," AFP reported. " 'Ending the occupation and creating an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital are the key to security, peace and stability in the region, and we turn towards the new administration headed by Barack Obama,' Abbas said. "He was speaking more than 200 foreign businessmen in the northern West Bank city of Nablus at a conference on investment in the Palestinian territories. " 'We urge him to immediately apply himself to the peace process, on the basis of implementing international resolutions linked to the Palestinian question, including the Arab plan,' he said. " 'For six years we have talked about the Arab initiative which can be summed up thus: withdraw from Palestine, the (occupied Syrian) Golan Heights and the Shebaa farms (on the Lebanon-Syria-Israeli border) and 57 Arab and Islamic states will recognise you,' Abbas said, addressing the Israelis. " 'What more do you want? Instead of living in an island of peace you will live in an ocean of peace.' " In Haaretz, Akiva Eldar said there are three things that have suddenly brought the Arab League plan to centre stage: "Barack Obama's election as the next American president, the likelihood of Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu becoming Israel's next prime minister in February, and fear that Mahmoud Abbas' already shaky rule in the Palestinian Authority will collapse. And since Obama will be sworn in 20 days before Israel's election, he might be able to influence the outcome by publicly supporting the Saudi peace plan: Anyone who voted for Netanyahu would then know he was defying Obama." In an analysis for Haaretz, Amir Oren said: "Eight weeks before Barack Obama is sworn into office, signs have emerged over the weekend that point to what is turning out to be the new administration's plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is the conclusion that one reaches when considering the upcoming appointment of Hillary Clinton to the position of secretary of state; the reports that Obama could name retired general James Jones to the position of national security adviser; and the president-elect's reliance on the advice of Brent Scowcroft, who served as national security adviser in the administrations of Gerald Ford and George HW Bush. Obama and Scowcroft are said to have spoken at least twice since the election. "Despite the attention being paid to Clinton, no less important is the move made two days ago by Scowcroft and the man who succeeded him in office as national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski. In an op-ed piece penned for The Washington Post, Scowcroft (whom John McCain considered naming as a special envoy to the Middle East) and Brzezinski (who was close to Obama during the initial stages of his candidacy for president) offered a kind of first draft of 'The Obama Plan'.... "Even though they do not name names, one can clearly notice an effort to influence on the election results in Israel so as to favor moderate candidates - Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak - over Benjamin Netanyahu." Meanwhile, McClatchy Newspapers reported: "Israel has pushed the Gaza Strip to the brink of a humanitarian crisis by cutting off the supply of most aid, choking off the flow of fuel for Gaza's only power plant and restricting the transfer of most supplies. "Beyond that, Israel is barring most diplomats, aid workers and international journalists from going into Gaza - an unprecedented and sweeping ban that's entering its third week. " 'It's very precarious,' John Ging, director of the United Nations refugee program in Gaza, said Friday. 'It's really a matter of brinksmanship and we're in a perpetual state of collapse.' "The new crackdown comes as Israeli leaders are increasingly acknowledging what critics have long argued: That they need to develop different strategies to try to change the political realities in Gaza. " 'Everybody involved in this is advocating very strongly for a change in approach of punitive sanctions through closure of the crossings,' Ging said. 'It's devastating from a human perspective, but also for the prospects for security, prosperity and peace.'" Reporting on the conflict between Hamas and Fatah, Al Ahram Weekly said: "Moussa Abu Marzouk, the Damascus-based deputy chief of the Hamas politburo, is non-committal about the fate of Palestinian national reconciliation talks that were called off before they began in Cairo earlier this month. He is, however, clear about one thing: on 9 January the presidency of Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah and an angry adversary of Hamas, ends. Any attempt to extend it by force, direct or indirect, will create a serious political problem on the Palestinian scene - much serious than what has been unfolding over the past two years of animosity between Hamas and Fatah. "Intimating Hamas's possible reaction, 'Yes, we could have two presidents,' Abu Marzouk stated in his Damascus residence this week. "For Hamas, and some argue for the Islamic Jihad and other Islamist and leftist Palestinian factions, Abbas will automatically lose his legitimacy on 9 January. 'Any attempt to re-interpret Palestinian basic law to extend his term in office would be simply void of legitimacy. We will not acknowledge him as a president one day beyond 9 January. So he has [less than two months] to go,' Abu Marzouk said."

Citigroup under pressure to make tough choices

"Less than two months ago, Citigroup emerged from the wreckage of the financial crisis as one of the last titans left standing on Wall Street," The New York Times reported. "Now, in a stunning turnabout, the banking giant has sunk to its knees after a series of blows that have driven its stock price to a mere $3.77 on Friday - and left it running short on time and options. "In the decade since Citigroup was born from the merger of Citicorp and Travelers Group, it weathered many storms that threatened to pull it apart. But the current turmoil can be traced back to the last weekend of September, when it sought to reassert itself by swallowing Wachovia, the stricken bank based in Charlotte, NC, whose vast deposit base would have turned Citi into one of America's dominant lenders. "As the global financial crisis drove Wachovia toward collapse, the government frantically engineered their marriage. At a bargain price of $1 a share, Vikram S Pandit, Citigroup's chief executive, was happy to oblige: The deal would have greatly enhanced Citi's retail banking presence and added more stable consumer deposits to a balance sheet staggered by billions in write-downs on bad mortgage loans and related securities. "But like so many other things for Citigroup over the last several years, it fell apart. Less than a week later, Wells Fargo, the powerful San Francisco-based bank, swooped in with a higher offer. Citi was left in the lurch, without a business that was vital to its future." Time magazine said: "Most analysts believe Citigroup can survive its current market woes, though probably not without some changes. In a report out on Friday, Deutsche Bank analyst Mike Mayo, who has been a long-time bear on Citi, says the company has adequate capital to survive. When you factor in the $25 billion Citi got from the Treasury's Troubled Asset Relief Program, Mayo estimates the bank has as much as $100 billion in cash cushion. "And Citi's lending business has actually performed relatively well in this environment. In the third quarter, the company said it had $5 billion in loans on which customers were no longer making payments. In all, Citigroup has set aside $24 billion for loan loss reserves. For most firms, that's a lot of IOUs to go bad. But for Citi it's peanuts. In fact, $24 billion is just under 3.5 per cent of Citi's overall loan book of $718 billion. And that's not a bad charge-off rate during a time when sub-prime mortgage loans are defaulting in double-digit rates. " 'The issue with Citi is the degree to which the downtrend in its stock price affects fundamental factors, as seen with other financial firms over the past few months,' Mayo wrote in the report. "So to avoid the fate of Lehman or Bear, the firm's board may feel like it needs to do something to boost it's stock price. One option would be to boot chief executive Vikram Pandit. Some on Wall Street believe Pandit has not been quick enough to react to the problems of the firm and could still be in denial. On Friday, Pandit told top executives that he doesn't believe Citi needs to sell off parts of its business to raise capital. Investors don't seem to agree. The stock fell on the news." The Financial Times said that Mr Pandit: "has told friends that he is frustrated, and often angered, by the destruction of shareholder value that is taking place under his watch but remains determined to carry out his task: cleaning up Citi's balance sheet and reviving its fortunes. "So far, Citi's strategic needs have played to his strengths. The bank needed capital and he raised $50bn from investors earlier, and on better terms, than many rivals. Expenses and toxic assets had to be reduced and he set about the job with the zeal of a proven risk manager. "But Citi's woes might call for more visionary and charismatic leadership than he can offer. Sir Win Bischoff, Citi chairman, who has also come under internal fire, says those fears are unfounded. 'In the current environment, I would rather have a leader who is very good at understanding the nuts and bolts of the business than a glad-handing type.' "Mr Pandit points to his traditional Indian upbringing as a source of calm. 'I cannot deny that a piece of my Indian upbringing stayed with me,' he says. 'As I go about my life, there is a clear sense of Karma, that the tide is going to come and go and the main thing you have to do is influence where you are on the tide.' "Citi's shareholders must hope he will not be swept away by the waves of selling that have rocked a once-dominant financial group."


How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

The specs

  Engine: 2-litre or 3-litre 4Motion all-wheel-drive Power: 250Nm (2-litre); 340 (3-litre) Torque: 450Nm Transmission: 8-speed automatic Starting price: From Dh212,000 On sale: Now

The specs
Engine: Long-range single or dual motor with 200kW or 400kW battery
Power: 268bhp / 536bhp
Torque: 343Nm / 686Nm
Transmission: Single-speed automatic
Max touring range: 620km / 590km
Price: From Dh250,000 (estimated)
On sale: Later this year
Six tips to secure your smart home

Most smart home devices are controlled via the owner's smartphone. Therefore, if you are using public wi-fi on your phone, always use a VPN (virtual private network) that offers strong security features and anonymises your internet connection.

Keep your smart home devices’ software up-to-date. Device makers often send regular updates - follow them without fail as they could provide protection from a new security risk.

Use two-factor authentication so that in addition to a password, your identity is authenticated by a second sign-in step like a code sent to your mobile number.

Set up a separate guest network for acquaintances and visitors to ensure the privacy of your IoT devices’ network.

Change the default privacy and security settings of your IoT devices to take extra steps to secure yourself and your home.

Always give your router a unique name, replacing the one generated by the manufacturer, to ensure a hacker cannot ascertain its make or model number.


Oman 109-3 in 18.4 overs (Aqib Ilyas 45 not out, Aamir Kaleem 27) beat UAE 108-9 in 20 overs (Usman 27, Mustafa 24, Fayyaz 3-16, Bilal 3-23)

The specs

Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylturbo

Transmission: seven-speed DSG automatic

Power: 242bhp

Torque: 370Nm

Price: Dh136,814

Navdeep Suri, India's Ambassador to the UAE

There has been a longstanding need from the Indian community to have a religious premises where they can practise their beliefs. Currently there is a very, very small temple in Bur Dubai and the community has outgrown this. So this will be a major temple and open to all denominations and a place should reflect India’s diversity.

It fits so well into the UAE’s own commitment to tolerance and pluralism and coming in the year of tolerance gives it that extra dimension.

What we will see on April 20 is the foundation ceremony and we expect a pretty broad cross section of the Indian community to be present, both from the UAE and abroad. The Hindu group that is building the temple will have their holiest leader attending – and we expect very senior representation from the leadership of the UAE.

When the designs were taken to the leadership, there were two clear options. There was a New Jersey model with a rectangular structure with the temple recessed inside so it was not too visible from the outside and another was the Neasden temple in London with the spires in its classical shape. And they said: look we said we wanted a temple so it should look like a temple. So this should be a classical style temple in all its glory.

It is beautifully located - 30 minutes outside of Abu Dhabi and barely 45 minutes to Dubai so it serves the needs of both communities.

This is going to be the big temple where I expect people to come from across the country at major festivals and occasions.

It is hugely important – it will take a couple of years to complete given the scale. It is going to be remarkable and will contribute something not just to the landscape in terms of visual architecture but also to the ethos. Here will be a real representation of UAE’s pluralism.

What is the FNC?

The Federal National Council is one of five federal authorities established by the UAE constitution. It held its first session on December 2, 1972, a year to the day after Federation.
It has 40 members, eight of whom are women. The members represent the UAE population through each of the emirates. Abu Dhabi and Dubai have eight members each, Sharjah and Ras al Khaimah six, and Ajman, Fujairah and Umm Al Quwain have four.
They bring Emirati issues to the council for debate and put those concerns to ministers summoned for questioning. 
The FNC’s main functions include passing, amending or rejecting federal draft laws, discussing international treaties and agreements, and offering recommendations on general subjects raised during sessions.
Federal draft laws must first pass through the FNC for recommendations when members can amend the laws to suit the needs of citizens. The draft laws are then forwarded to the Cabinet for consideration and approval. 
Since 2006, half of the members have been elected by UAE citizens to serve four-year terms and the other half are appointed by the Ruler’s Courts of the seven emirates.
In the 2015 elections, 78 of the 252 candidates were women. Women also represented 48 per cent of all voters and 67 per cent of the voters were under the age of 40.


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