‘Nourish patriotism’ says today’s sermon

Patriotism is a natural feeling that should be nourished through contributing to the homeland’s development and wellbeing of its citizens, worshippers will be told on Friday.

People always feel attached to their home countries because of what it offered them through their early childhood, the sermon will say.

Prophet Mohammed expressed his feelings of nostalgia for Mecca where he grew up on several occasions, and when he moved with his companions to Medina he asked Allah to also grow its love in their hearts.

“Patriotism is (expressed through) actions and accomplishments, so how many rights do we have to fulfil towards this homeland?”

The sermon suggests several actions. These include: “Spreading harmony between its nationals until they become like a single body.

“Not listening to those with destructive ideas also preserves the rights of this land.

“And to seek power for it, so work hard, to protect this homeland, it has called upon you to serve it, and it is a chance for you to express your loyalty and willingness to defend it. And Islam has considered one who dies defending their homeland as one who will be in the upper classes of paradise,” the sermon will say.


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