ABU DHABI // An Arab man who used forged documents to import illegal military equipment has been jailed for five years.
M K S, 46, imported small electronic devices used in American and Chinese military-grade weapons. The devices cannot be imported without a proper permit. Witnesses said M K S had used the UAE as a base to import and export the equipment.
M K S had provided the manufacturer with two forged documents that purported to be from government entities, claiming the equipment was required for them. He also created counterfeit stamps of the entities to make the documents appear official.
M K S denied importing the equipment, but confessed to creating the documents and the counterfeit stamps “as an experiment”. The court heard he had planned to send the equipment to his hometown where they were needed by a research centre.
Judge Falah Al Hajeri ordered that M K S’s hometown not be named to protect the defendant’s family. He also ordered the confiscation and destruction of the equipment as well as the documents.
M K S will be deported after the sentence is completed.