Up to 2,000 youngsters to take part in a 2km fun

DUBAI// You’re never too young to keep fit – as children as young as 4 will find out in a fun run in Dubai.

Up to 2,000 youngsters aged 4 to 12 will take part in the Etisalat Dubai Kids Run next March. Children under 8 will run 2km accompanied by a guardian.

The event is being backed by the British Olympic gold medallist Sebastian Coe. “A child that is physically active has higher self esteem and will do well in college, go on to higher education and have a successful career,” said Lord Coe.

The run aims to get children active at a younger age to target the growing obesity problem. It is estimated that half the population will be either overweight or obese by 2016.

“It’s an opportunity to encourage a healthy lifestyle for many young people,” said Ali Al Ahmed of Etisalat. “It’s important that children and young people lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible and getting young children to take part in this will hopefully encourage them to continue to be healthy.”
