Schoolboy gets pencil jammed 6cm into his neck

ABU DHABI // A seven-year-old boy was rushed to hospital after he got a pencil jammed 6cm deep into his neck.

The child was taken for emergency surgery to remove the pencil after he fell on top of it while in his school class in the capital.

Two school nurses held the pencil in place with gauze to avoid any haemorrhage while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

In hospital, the pencil was surgically removed and the child kept in the intensive care unit overnight before being transferred to the paediatric ward. He is in a stable condition.

The director of the school health services department at Seha, Dr Najah Mustafa, said: “School nurses are trained and qualified to deal with emergency cases in schools.”

What is dialysis?

Dialysis is a way of cleaning your blood when your kidneys fail and can no longer do the job.

It gets rid of your body's wastes, extra salt and water, and helps to control your blood pressure. The main cause of kidney failure is diabetes and hypertension.

There are two kinds of dialysis — haemodialysis and peritoneal.

In haemodialysis, blood is pumped out of your body to an artificial kidney machine that filter your blood and returns it to your body by tubes.

In peritoneal dialysis, the inside lining of your own belly acts as a natural filter. Wastes are taken out by means of a cleansing fluid which is washed in and out of your belly in cycles.

It isn’t an option for everyone but if eligible, can be done at home by the patient or caregiver. This, as opposed to home haemodialysis, is covered by insurance in the UAE.
