Doctors in Sharjah remove basketball-sized tumour from patient

High-risk surgery saved the woman's life

Doctors in Sharjah removed a six-kg tumour from a young woman’s uterus, saving her life and her fertility in a high-risk surgery. supplied

Doctors in Sharjah removed a six-kilogram tumour from a young woman's uterus, saving her life and her fertility in a high-risk surgery.

The Arab woman suffered increasing amounts of pain, abdominal swelling, digestion and movement problems in the past five years.

She had undergone several medical tests in different UAE hospitals before she was admitted to the University Hospital of Sharjah three weeks ago.

Her previous tests indicated an abdominal enlargement but a series of radiological tests at the hospital showed she had a huge tumour.

It was not cancerous and medics decided to operate.

A team of doctors led by Prof Mohamed Zayed, consultant in gynaecological surgery, removed the tumour.

"Some hospitals were reluctant to perform the surgery because of the risks involved and the possibility of her having a malignant tumour that could lead to removing her uterus and ovaries," said a hospital spokesman.

The woman was discharged from hospital two days later after making full recovery.

"The patient recovered completely after the surgery. Another [bit of] good news is that her doctor was able to completely preserve her uterus and ovaries and, consequently, her fertility," said Dr Ali Al Ali, chief executive at the hospital.

“It was a high-risk surgery but we have the right team of specialists led by Dr Zayed and top-notch resources to successfully operate."