Relaxing and taking a time out until emotions cool down has been recommended by psychologists. Getty Images
Sleep is one of the most effective ways to combat anger and stress. Getty Images/Westend61
Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is crucial to managing anger. Alamy
Exercising is seen as a key method in helping to reduce stress. Getty Images
Being forced to stay at home is taking a toll on couples as requests for counselling over anger issues has doubled since the beginning of the pandemic. Getty Images
Relaxing and taking a time out until emotions cool down has been recommended by psychologists. Getty Images
Sleep is one of the most effective ways to combat anger and stress. Getty Images/Westend61
Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is crucial to managing anger. Alamy
Exercising is seen as a key method in helping to reduce stress. Getty Images
Being forced to stay at home is taking a toll on couples as requests for counselling over anger issues has doubled since the beginning of the pandemic. Getty Images
Relaxing and taking a time out until emotions cool down has been recommended by psychologists. Getty Images