The UAE recorded 781 new cases of Covid-19 on Sunday, bringing the country's total to 18,198. The Ministry of Health and Prevention confirmed a further 13 people had died after contracting the virus as the death toll in the Emirates rose to 198. Another 509 patients have recovered from the virus following treatment, pushing this total to 4,804. More than 25 per cent of patients who have tested positive for Covid-19 are now virus-free. The new cases were identified after an additional 29,000 tests were conducted. The number of cases across the globe surpassed 4 million on Sunday with the number of deaths linked to the virus climbing above 277,000. More than 1.3 million people around the world have recovered from coronavirus. The pandemic has had a significant impact on the lives of people across the globe, with strict measures put in place to tackle its spread. Schools in the Emirates closed classrooms in March and switched to distance learning in an effort to mitigate the risk of infection. Education chiefs have revealed the online model could remain in place in some form beyond the beginning of a new academic year in September. Headteachers said they anticipated a mix of in-school classes and home learning in the first term of the 2020-21 academic year, but await an official decision from the government. On Sunday, the Ministry of Education said the end of e-learning and reopening of schools was "still under review" and would depend on ongoing efforts to combat the coronavirus.