Commuters wait for their bus outside the airconditioned bus stop along al Falah Street in central Abu Dhabi on a Friday afternoon All photos by. All photos by Victor Besa /The National

Coronavirus: Abu Dhabi to place notices on homes under quarantine

Latest: Abu Dhabi has quarantined 150,000 people to date

Notices will be placed outside the homes of people who are undergoing quarantine, authorities in Abu Dhabi said on Friday.

The signs will explain that an individual inside the residential unit is under 14-day quarantine mandated by the government.

Signs will be placed outside all residential units that contain anyone who is under quarantine in Abu Dhabi. Courtesy: Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre

Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre said the signs were part of effort to protect the public by ensuring physical distancing and preventing the spread of Covid-19.

The awareness notice will let someone's neighbours know they are under quarantine so they avoid disturbing them.

Home delivery services will also know to leave a package at the door to avoid interaction with the resident.

The sign reads: "We are committed to adhering to all self-quarantine measures fo defeat Covid-19".

The announcement came as authorities in Abu Dhabi issued new regulations that require all international travellers staying in the emirate to be fitted with quarantine wristbands.

The electronic wristband ensures the traveller adheres to a 14-day mandatory quarantine period to prevent the spread of the virus.

Its wearer must stay home until they are called in for a PCR nasal swab test on day 12 of quarantine.

On receiving a negative Covid-19 result, a representative from the centre calls the traveller in to have the tag removed at a medical facility.