The Health Authority – Abu Dhabi (Haad) has discovered 12 new cases of Mers, state news agency Wam reported last night.
The latest cases tested positive for Mers-Cov during routine screenings and are all in hospital isolation.
They will not cause any risk to the public or other patients and are expected to clear the virus within 10-14 days with no treatment needed, said the Wam report.
The Ministry of Health (MoH) and Haad are dealing with the situation with full transparency to ensure the public is aware of the developments.
Haad confirmed that the current situation is not a public-health concern.
The authority, together with the MoH, has taken all necessary measure according to international standards and recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The MoH stated that WHO confirmed the virus was not a concern for public health at the moment and the current situation does not require a travel ban to any country in the world, screenings at different ports, or any restrictions on trade.
Saudi Arabia yesterday reported two more Mers deaths, bringing the death toll to 76 since the virus appeared in the country in September 2012, reported Wam.