A member of Umm Al Quwain's royal family died on Wednesday, the ruler's court announced. Sheikh Ali bin Humaid bin Ahmed Al Mualla died in a "painful" car accident in the morning, a statement from the court read. "With hearts believing in the judgment of God, the court of Sheikh Saud bin Rashid Al Mualla, Ruler of Umm Al Quwain, mourns the death of Sheikh Ali bin Humaid Ahmed Al Muala, who passed away this morning after a painful accident." The court offered condolences to Sheikh Ali's father, Sheikh Humaid bin Ahmed Al Mualla, and to the rest of his family. Messages of tribute were posted on social media by officials and members of the public, shortly after the announcement. Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi, founder of Sharjah’s Barjeel Art Foundation and who was related to Sheikh Ali through marriage, said: "Our brother in law Ali bin Humaid Ahmed Al Mualla passed away today. Verily we belong to Allah, and verily to Him do we return." Sheikh Ali was married to Al Qassemi's sister, Sheikha Laila bint Sooud. Sheikh Humaid bin Ahmed will receive condolences for three days, beginning Wednesday. Condolences must be offered by phone or text message, to comply with restrictions on gatherings due to the Covid-19 outbreak.