Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid’s accession day ‘precious’, says Sheikha Hind

DUBAI // The wife of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid called her husband’s accession day, January 4, a “precious day” as she praised the launch of the UAE Food Bank.

Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum, wife of Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, spoke out to remind the nation of the Ruler’s ambition of achieving the nation’s many goals and to continue to support those most in need.

She recalled her husband’s oft-quoted words that his aspiration was for his nation to be No 1 and that becoming No 1 is not impossible, because “the word impossible doesn’t exist in our dictionary”, she said.

Sheikha Hind said her husband, in his 11th year as Dubai Ruler, chose to start 2017 with a generous food bank initiative in response to the decision by the President, Sheikh Khalifa, to declare this year the Year of Giving.

“The world is currently witnessing many challenges, and providing food has become a hard task in some cases,” she said.

Reminding everyone that some countries were facing famine, Sheikha Hind said the international community must intensify efforts to tackle the problem.

“The UAE always supports people in need, regardless of their colour, sex or religion, in pursuance of the approach established by the founder of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan,” Sheikha Hind said.

The food bank will work with authorities and charities to improve the efficiency of food storage, packaging and distribution. It will partner with food producers such as hotels, restaurants, supermarkets and farms to store and package excess fresh food effectively.

It will then work with volunteers and partners to distribute the food to the needy in the UAE and beyond.

The specs

Engine: four-litre V6 and 3.5-litre V6 twin-turbo

Transmission: six-speed and 10-speed

Power: 271 and 409 horsepower

Torque: 385 and 650Nm

Price: from Dh229,900 to Dh355,000

No more lice

Defining head lice

Pediculus humanus capitis are tiny wingless insects that feed on blood from the human scalp. The adult head louse is up to 3mm long, has six legs, and is tan to greyish-white in colour. The female lives up to four weeks and, once mature, can lay up to 10 eggs per day. These tiny nits firmly attach to the base of the hair shaft, get incubated by body heat and hatch in eight days or so.

Identifying lice

Lice can be identified by itching or a tickling sensation of something moving within the hair. One can confirm that a person has lice by looking closely through the hair and scalp for nits, nymphs or lice. Head lice are most frequently located behind the ears and near the neckline.

Treating lice at home

Head lice must be treated as soon as they are spotted. Start by checking everyone in the family for them, then follow these steps. Remove and wash all clothing and bedding with hot water. Apply medicine according to the label instructions. If some live lice are still found eight to 12 hours after treatment, but are moving more slowly than before, do not re-treat. Comb dead and remaining live lice out of the hair using a fine-toothed comb.
After the initial treatment, check for, comb and remove nits and lice from hair every two to three days. Soak combs and brushes in hot water for 10 minutes.Vacuum the floor and furniture, particularly where the infested person sat or lay.

Courtesy Dr Vishal Rajmal Mehta, specialist paediatrics, RAK Hospital

The specs

Engine: Four electric motors, one at each wheel

Power: 579hp

Torque: 859Nm

Transmission: Single-speed automatic

Price: From Dh825,900

On sale: Now