Punishments for offenders of UAE’s Child Protection Law include 10 years in jail

Children will be given legal protection under the final version of the Child Protection Law. Here are the punishments for offences:

• At least 10 years imprisonment under Article 65 against whoever uses or exploits a child in filming, recording or producing pornographic material.

• Not less than one year imprisonment and a fine between Dh100,000 and Dh400,000 or either sanction under Article 66 for possession of child pornography material regardless of the intention to distribute it.

• No less than one year in jail and a fine up to Dh400,000 or either under Article 66 for downloading, uploading child pornography on the internet or by other means of communication.

• Imprisonment for a minimum of 10 years under Article 65 for the person in charge of the child’s care contributing or taking part in the production or filming of child pornography or any other sexual acts, allowing the child to do so or helping him in any of these acts.

• At least six months in jail and a fine between Dh100,000 and Dh1 million under Article 64 against whoever violates the law that communication companies and service providers must notify authorities on child pornography being circulated on the internet and provide information on the persons, entities or sites.

• Fine of not less than Dh5,000 or imprisonment under Article 60 if there is violation of the child’s right to obtain documents proving his birth, nationality and other identification documents.

• Imprisonment and a fine not less than Dh20,000 or either for child labour punishable under Article 68, if the activity poses a risk to the life of a child less than 15 years or to his physical, mental or moral integrity.

• Imprisonment or at least a Dh5,000 fine under Article 60 for endangering the child’s mental, psychological, physical or moral integrity, whether the person in charge of his care abandons him, puts into an institution without reason, or refuses to take care of the child.

• Imprisonment or a fine of at least Dh5,000 under Article 60 for the person in charge of a child’s care for abandoning, displacing or neglecting the child, leaving him habitually without supervision, failing to enrol him in an educational establishment or allowing him to interrupt his education.

• Imprisonment and a fine not less than Dh50,000 or either sanction under Article 69 for torturing the child or committing any act of cruelty affecting a child’s emotional, psychological, mental or moral balance, while taking into account the right of the parents.


Read more on the UAE’s Child Protection Law:

UAE law grants child rights officer power to take child away from abusive home

No jobs with children for child abuse and pornography offenders: new UAE law

10 years in jail and up to Dh1m in fines for care givers in UAE found with child pornography



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