Eighty-nine Dubai Municipality staff honoured for money-saving suggestions

DUBAI // Eighty-nine Dubai Municipality employees were recognised for their ideas to better enhance the civic body’s performance.

The municipality organised a ceremony, Together, Let’s Innovate, to honour the employees who submitted suggestions.

The ideas of 26 people were registered with the Ministry of Economy and they each received a certificate of intellectual property rights.

Hussein Lootah, director general of Dubai Municipality, said the organisation saved Dh18.6 million through the suggestions submitted by its employees during the first six months of last year. The total revenue and savings from the suggestions in 2015 and 2016 amounted to Dh26.2m.

“The suggestion scheme, which was launched by the municipality in 2000, is a programme that involves everyone in the improvement of everything we do and it has grown significantly. We have received 101,297 suggestions since its inception to 2016,” Mr Lootah said. “The scheme is part of the municipality’s quest to apply the principles of total quality and constant improvement of work methods to ensure quality of services and products.”


How to improve Arabic reading in early years

One 45-minute class per week in Standard Arabic is not sufficient

The goal should be for grade 1 and 2 students to become fluent readers

Subjects like technology, social studies, science can be taught in later grades

Grade 1 curricula should include oral instruction in Standard Arabic

First graders must regularly practice individual letters and combinations

Time should be slotted in class to read longer passages in early grades

Improve the appearance of textbooks

Revision of curriculum should be undertaken as per research findings

Conjugations of most common verb forms should be taught

Systematic learning of Standard Arabic grammar