A dry night has been announced across the UAE this Wednesday on the occasion of Israa Wal Miraj. It has not been declared a public holiday but no alcohol will be served in hotels, bars or restaurants from 6pm, Wednesday, March 10 until 7pm, Thursday, March 11 Israa Wal Miraj has not been included in the UAE's official holidays since 2019, when the Cabinet released a unified list of public holidays for government and private sector workers. According to the Gregorian calendar, the occasion is expected to fall on Thursday, March 11. The next public holiday in the UAE will be Eid Al Fitr. The four-day-break is expected to start on Wednesday, May 12, marking the end of Ramadan. Also known as the Ascension to Heaven, the day marks a religious occasion in Islamic history. On this night, the Prophet Mohammed travelled from Makkah to Jerusalem, where he met all the prophets who preceded him at Al Aqsa Mosque and led them in prayer. He then travelled to the heavens, and received divine instructions on acts of worship, such as prayers. On that day, Muslims were instructed to pray five times a day.