The Spectrum of the Seas cruise ship departs Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. Getty Images
An empty downtown street is seen in an aerial view taken with a drone in Los Angeles, California, USA. EPA
A volunteer carries a tea distribution machine in the "Aurore" centre for homeless and migrants in Paris. AP Photo
Children gather near a US military vehicle on patrol along the M4 motorway near Hasakah in the countryside of Syria's northeastern province of Hasakah. AFP
A resident presents flowers during a silent tribute to "martyrs" who died in the fight against the coronavirus disease outbreak and compatriots who died of the disease in Wuhan, China. Getty Images
A Chinese woman wears a protective mask as she waits at a bus stop before three minutes of silence to mark the country's national day of mourning for Covid-19 near Beijing Railway Station. Getty Images
People form a queue at the weekly market in Hanau, Germany. Reuters
French firefighters from Marin unit of Marseille wearing protective equipment as they working at the PCR machine which can detect the presence of Covid-19 in the environment. AFP
Window lights spell out "We Love Las Vegas" at the Flamingo hotel-casino during the shutdown of all casinos and nonessential businesses, an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. Reuters
A medical staff member wearing a protective mask walks past the empty British Airways' check-in area of Geneva Airport. AFP
Westhaven Marina is noticeably quieter in New Zealand. Getty Images
A man wearing a facemask feeds pigeons during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as preventive measure against the spread of the Covid-19. AFP
Portuguese nationals prepare to fly to Lisbon at Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Dili, East Timor. According to media reports, more than 200 Portuguese working in East Timor, will depart for Lisbon. EPA
A Montenegrian Red Cross volunteer carries a bag of flour over a suspension bridge in the village of Dromira, 25km north of Podgorica, as Montenegro remains on lockdown. Reuters
The Spectrum of the Seas cruise ship departs Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. Getty Images
An empty downtown street is seen in an aerial view taken with a drone in Los Angeles, California, USA. EPA
A volunteer carries a tea distribution machine in the "Aurore" centre for homeless and migrants in Paris. AP Photo
Children gather near a US military vehicle on patrol along the M4 motorway near Hasakah in the countryside of Syria's northeastern province of Hasakah. AFP
A resident presents flowers during a silent tribute to "martyrs" who died in the fight against the coronavirus disease outbreak and compatriots who died of the disease in Wuhan, China. Getty Images
A Chinese woman wears a protective mask as she waits at a bus stop before three minutes of silence to mark the country's national day of mourning for Covid-19 near Beijing Railway Station. Getty Images
People form a queue at the weekly market in Hanau, Germany. Reuters
French firefighters from Marin unit of Marseille wearing protective equipment as they working at the PCR machine which can detect the presence of Covid-19 in the environment. AFP
Window lights spell out "We Love Las Vegas" at the Flamingo hotel-casino during the shutdown of all casinos and nonessential businesses, an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. Reuters
A medical staff member wearing a protective mask walks past the empty British Airways' check-in area of Geneva Airport. AFP
Westhaven Marina is noticeably quieter in New Zealand. Getty Images
A man wearing a facemask feeds pigeons during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as preventive measure against the spread of the Covid-19. AFP
Portuguese nationals prepare to fly to Lisbon at Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Dili, East Timor. According to media reports, more than 200 Portuguese working in East Timor, will depart for Lisbon. EPA
A Montenegrian Red Cross volunteer carries a bag of flour over a suspension bridge in the village of Dromira, 25km north of Podgorica, as Montenegro remains on lockdown. Reuters
The Spectrum of the Seas cruise ship departs Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. Getty Images