Abu Dhabi will bring 60 per cent of government employees back to offices from May 30. The emirate’s Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee approved increasing workplace attendance for all employees and outsourced workers in government entities and companies. The committee said on Tuesday employees aged 60 and above and those with chronic diseases and compromised immunity can continue working from home. Remote working also applies to disabled employees, pregnant and nursing women and one of the parents of a child studying remotely in Year 10 or below, until the end of the current school term. Employees in certain categories must be tested regularly and pay for their PCR tests. Tests will be free for those who have vaccination exemption certificates. Unvaccinated employees must be tested weekly while those who would have received their second dose at least 28 days prior will have to be tested monthly. Vaccinated individuals who have active icons (gold star or letter E) on Alhosn app are exempt from these tests. Office capacity limits were increased to 50 per cent in June 2020.