UAE sends 50 tonnes of food and medical equipment to Ukraine

Aid is part of an ongoing relief bridge established last month

The UAE on Thursday sent a plane to Warsaw, Poland carrying food and medical equipment destined to assist victims of the war in Ukraine. Wam

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The UAE on Thursday sent a plane to Warsaw, Poland carrying 50 tonnes of food and ambulances with medical equipment for Ukrainian civilians in need.

The aid is part of an ongoing relief bridge that was established last month to assist Ukrainian people affected by the conflict in the country and refugees who have fled to neighbouring countries.

"The UAE is supporting efforts to reach a political solution to the crisis and is keen to promote regional and international security and stability, along with its efforts to fulfil the humanitarian needs of affected civilians in Ukraine," said Ahmed Al Kaabi, UAE ambassador to Ukraine.

"The UAE will continue providing relief as a manifestation of its approach in support of international humanitarian efforts to help those in need in overcoming humanitarian crises and mitigating their suffering, especially among women and children."

Dmytro Senik, deputy minister of foreign Affairs, Ukraine, thanked the UAE for the aid, news agency Wam reported.

"Let me express my deepest gratitude to the Emirati leadership and UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation for their prompt response to Ukraine’s humanitarian challenges," he said.

"With each plane of medicine and medical supplies we see the humanitarian approach of the UAE leadership and their efforts to provide for the vital needs of Ukrainians affected by war."

Mr Senik made his comments after a meeting with Reem Al Hashimy, Minister of State for International Co-operation, to discuss developments in Ukraine and ways to provide humanitarian support to affected civilians.

The number of people fleeing the war in Ukraine has reached 4,656,509, the latest figures from the United Nations' refugee agency show.

More than half of those escaping the violence have gone to Poland, where 2,669,637 refugees are registered.

The influx of Ukrainians into neighbouring countries is made up predominantly of women, children and the elderly.

Many more are expected to follow, although more than half a million people have since returned to Ukraine, a trend enabled by the recent reduction in fighting.

Updated: April 14, 2022, 2:23 PM