Free money transfers for Nepalis sending money home

DUBAI // Money-transfer fees will be waived for Nepalese customers for the next two weeks when using the Worldwide Cash Express’ money transfer service, Al Ansari Exchange has said.

The company said the move is to help Nepalese expatriates send more money without any charge to their families in the wake of the earthquake earlier this week that has killed thousands of people and decimated areas of the country.

“Al Ansari Exchange joins the global community in expressing its sympathies and condolences to those who have lost their families and friends from this devastating earthquake,” said Mohammad Ali Al Ansari, the chairman and managing director.

“Our move to exempt Nepalese customers from being charged for money-transfer fees reflects our aim to stand by their side during these difficult times — providing them with the services and facilities they need to help their relatives and family members to pass this crisis, which we all hope to end soon.”