Firms face big fines for 'ghost emiratisation'

Abu Dhabi // Companies that employ Emirati "ghost workers" as a way of circumventing a new incentive scheme will face fines of up to Dh20,000 per worker and then have to pay punitive charges for labour cards.

New labour card rules, which were unveiled by the Ministry of Labour this week and are due to come into force next month, give incentives for firms that meet an Emiratisation target.

They offer half-price labour cards for companies with 20 per cent of workers in skilled jobs, if at least 15 per cent of those skilled jobs are occupied by Emiratis. These companies will pay just Dh300 for each foreign worker's labour card.

A senior ministry official described the incentive as a "shift to institutionalising Emiratisation, to setting it by default not just a choice".

Companies that miss the 15 per cent target will pay between Dh600 and Dh2,000 for labour cards, depending on the diversity of their workforce.

Those that draw more than half their staff from a single nationality will pay the highest rate, Dh2,000. A middle tier of Dh1,500 will cover companies that have more than a quarter of their staff of one nationality.

The Dh600 rate will apply to firms where no single nationality accounts for more than a quarter of the workforce.

But officials are wary that the top incentive tier could be abused, with companies putting Emiratis on the payroll but not requiring them to work. They admit that "ghost Emiratisation" is currently a problem.

To prevent it, companies found employing "ghost" Emiratis will be fined Dh20,000 per "ghost" employee and immediately downgraded to the lowest, "offender" category in the new labour card system. For at least six months, the cards will cost Dh5,000 for each expatriate.

In public, most companies say they are firmly behind Emiratisation efforts. However, a report prepared last year by the consultants Deloitte for the Tawteen Council, Abu Dhabi's Emiratisation agency, found the real position was less positive.

It found that Emiratis were poorly represented in the private sector, making up just four per cent of the workforce.

It noted that Emiratis were paid 40 per cent more than expatriates, while being perceived as 20 per cent less productive at junior levels. "For doing a similar job, Emiratis cost more," it stated.

Mohamed al Nuimi, the head of Emiratisation at Emirates Foundation, described the new scheme as crucial for the country's development. "Many Emiratis will be pleased with this," he said. "This will help build a strong future for them, a big part of the country's strategy."

While fiddling Emiratisation targets will put companies straight into the "offender" category, other malpractices will carry black points that will knock them down a level on the scale, increasing the cost of labour cards.

Each time a firm accumulates 100 points, it will drop a level until it reaches the "offender" group. Some offences will do that in one go; employing workers without visas or labour cards, human trafficking and falsifying salary details to meet new minimum wage requirements, will all carry 100 points.

Other offences, such as failing to give workers a midday break during the summer months, will carry a lower tariff as well as a fine.

The points will be cleared annually, or each time a company is knocked down a level. A downgraded company can be reassessed and upgraded after six months.

Under the new system, labour cards will need to be renewed every two years, instead of three years.

While the top and bottom categories are new, the three middle categories are similar to those currently in place, with the costs scaled down - from Dh1,000, Dh2,000, and Dh3,000 - to account for the shorter validity.

Companies will initially remain in their current grouping, with six months to meet the new rules.

The Sheikh Zayed Future Energy Prize

This year’s winners of the US$4 million Sheikh Zayed Future Energy Prize will be recognised and rewarded in Abu Dhabi on January 15 as part of Abu Dhabi Sustainable Week, which runs in the capital from January 13 to 20.

From solutions to life-changing technologies, the aim is to discover innovative breakthroughs to create a new and sustainable energy future.

Types of bank fraud

1) Phishing

Fraudsters send an unsolicited email that appears to be from a financial institution or online retailer. The hoax email requests that you provide sensitive information, often by clicking on to a link leading to a fake website.

2) Smishing

The SMS equivalent of phishing. Fraudsters falsify the telephone number through “text spoofing,” so that it appears to be a genuine text from the bank.

3) Vishing

The telephone equivalent of phishing and smishing. Fraudsters may pose as bank staff, police or government officials. They may persuade the consumer to transfer money or divulge personal information.

4) SIM swap

Fraudsters duplicate the SIM of your mobile number without your knowledge or authorisation, allowing them to conduct financial transactions with your bank.

5) Identity theft

Someone illegally obtains your confidential information, through various ways, such as theft of your wallet, bank and utility bill statements, computer intrusion and social networks.

6) Prize scams

Fraudsters claiming to be authorised representatives from well-known organisations (such as Etisalat, du, Dubai Shopping Festival, Expo2020, Lulu Hypermarket etc) contact victims to tell them they have won a cash prize and request them to share confidential banking details to transfer the prize money.

The bio

Favourite book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Favourite travel destination: Maldives and south of France

Favourite pastime: Family and friends, meditation, discovering new cuisines

Favourite Movie: Joker (2019). I didn’t like it while I was watching it but then afterwards I loved it. I loved the psychology behind it.

Favourite Author: My father for sure

Favourite Artist: Damien Hurst