The UAE woke to a sticky start on Tuesday as humidity climbed to 90 per cent in many areas overnight. Fog formed in parts of Abu Dhabi, including the Al Dhafrah region, in the early hours. It is expected to burn off by 8am to reveal sunny skies Temperatures will reach up to 45°C inland and 42°C on the coast. The Arabian Gulf and Oman Sea will be calm. Humidity will rise again overnight, raising the risk of mist and fog on Wednesday. There will be light winds and the Arabian Gulf and Oman Sea will be calm. Temperatures will hover around 41°C in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The mercury will creep up slightly on Thursday, reaching a high of 42°C in Abu Dhabi. Conditions will be similar over the weekend. But temperatures could inch up again in Abu Dhabi next week, reaching highs of 43°C.