An electron microscope scan of a new type of water flea, called Daphnia arabica, recently discovered in the UAE.
Photo: Dr Alexey Kotov
Researchers scoured bodies of water across the Emirates to uncover the tiny creature. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
Researchers collecting mud and water samples, and the areas of water in the UAE where they took samples. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
The diminutive marine life – which reach up to about 5mm in length – are essential to the healthy functioning of water ecosystems. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
Five species of water flea were identified by the researchers – D. arabica and four species already known to science. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
The creatures were put under the microscope and genetic analysis was carried out to examine the relationship between different types of water flea. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
Prof Waleed Hamza. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
An electron microscope scan of a new type of water flea, called Daphnia arabica, recently discovered in the UAE.
Photo: Dr Alexey Kotov
Researchers scoured bodies of water across the Emirates to uncover the tiny creature. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
Researchers collecting mud and water samples, and the areas of water in the UAE where they took samples. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
The diminutive marine life – which reach up to about 5mm in length – are essential to the healthy functioning of water ecosystems. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
Five species of water flea were identified by the researchers – D. arabica and four species already known to science. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza
The creatures were put under the microscope and genetic analysis was carried out to examine the relationship between different types of water flea. Photo: Prof Waleed Hamza