The university is located in Academic City, Dubai.
Amity University in Dubai is one of the few institutes in the UAE to offer aerospace engineering degrees to students. Here, students work at the on-campus satellite ground control station that helps gain hands-on training. All photos by Pawan Singh / The National
The programme had more than 15 students when it was first launched in 2015.
Now, there are more than 50 students enrolled in the programme.
Aerospace and other engineering students can use the ground control station to track satellites, predict weather patterns and pollution levels.
Students can analyse the data they receive.
In this picture Sarath Raj, programme leader of Aerospace Engineering (right) explains about the Armfield Subsonic Wind Tunnel to students
The university is located in Academic City, Dubai.
Amity University in Dubai is one of the few institutes in the UAE to offer aerospace engineering degrees to students. Here, students work at the on-campus satellite ground control station that helps gain hands-on training. All photos by Pawan Singh / The National
The programme had more than 15 students when it was first launched in 2015.
Now, there are more than 50 students enrolled in the programme.
Aerospace and other engineering students can use the ground control station to track satellites, predict weather patterns and pollution levels.
Students can analyse the data they receive.
In this picture Sarath Raj, programme leader of Aerospace Engineering (right) explains about the Armfield Subsonic Wind Tunnel to students
The university is located in Academic City, Dubai.